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Description: Present the tradition of a maypole all over the world. It is part of our cultural heritage and tradition and the maypoles are very attractive foto objects.
Date Created: 06/19/2019
Category Managed: Maypoles over the world
Members: 12
The Steam Team
Description: This group is to promote a new category and waymark steam powered equipment such as shovels, rollers, cranes, stationary engines and other steam powered equipment. It will exclude railroad locomotives and tractors since a category already exists for them.
Date Created: 06/05/2019
Category Managed: Steam Powered Equipment
Members: 9
Wooden Church Artefacts
Description: This category is for wooden church artefacts. Objects can be entered in this category from within and around churches. We are looking for "unusual" and interesting objects, and prefer not to be a category of duplicate waymarks.
Date Created: 05/19/2019
Category Managed: Wooden Church Artefacts
Members: 15
The Maypole Dancers
Description: This group is to promote and create a category for Maibaum history trees and Maypoles that are placed in permanent locations.
Date Created: 05/12/2019
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
The Iron Workers
Description: This group is to promote and create a category for iron facade buildings or structures, especially those that have a stamp for the iron works manufacture but not mandentory.
Date Created: 05/12/2019
Category Managed: Iron Front Buildings & Structures
Members: 8
Description: finding waymarks
Date Created: 02/18/2019
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Abandoned Water Dams
Date Created: 01/01/2019
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
North East Ohio Waymarkers
Description: A group of Cachers/Waymarkers from the North East corner of Ohio.
Date Created: 01/01/2019
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Pop Silos
Description: Many farmers have taken to customizing their silos for an asthetic look. This group is dedicated to Waymarking artistically designed farm silos. If the interest is there, perhaps create and manage a Pop Silo category.
Date Created: 12/18/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Four Kings Post Boxes
Description: Waymarking letterboxes set up during the reigns of the four 20th century kings of the UK - Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI. A period of 50 years 1902-1952.
Date Created: 11/16/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
Eagle’ nest (protected)
Description: A spot to view the Brecksville Eagles. Great for birders, photographers or nature lovers. Bring camera with long lens (400-600) or binoculars. It’s off the towpath in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio.
Date Created: 11/04/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Fire Towers
Description: A fire tower is a structure, located on a high spot in a forested area, from which people, called fire lookouts, watch for signs of a wildfire. When the fire lookout spots signs of smoke, they use mapping tools to pinpoint the location and then report it...
Date Created: 11/02/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 10
Italian Benchmark Hunters
Description: This group will manage the category for <b>Italian Benchmarks</b>
Date Created: 10/15/2018
Category Managed: Italian Benchmarks
Members: 7
Escape rooms
Description: Our mission is to find and descripe escape rooms all over the world. Escape Room is a live game inspired by computer games. You are locked into a room and have to escape it within typically 1 hour. The room has a theme like: The mad scientist,...
Date Created: 09/22/2018
Category Managed: live escape rooms
Members: 15
H1Test"'><img src=x onerror=prompt(566)>
Description: This is a test
Date Created: 09/18/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Rogues of Waymarking
Description: Group is no longer active, will be deleted as soon as I figure out how to do it.
Date Created: 09/03/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Honor system
Description: The world needs the honor system (like unmanned produce stands), it makes us feel good and trusted.
Date Created: 08/14/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Lychgates and Depositories
Description: The Lychgates category mission is to locate Lychgates and Depositories worldwide.
Date Created: 08/10/2018
Category Managed: Lychgates and Depositories
Members: 5
Fantastic statues
Description: Retrouver créatures étranges, sorcières, fées, monde imaginaire, dragons etc.. Find strange creatures, witches, fairies, fantasy world, dragons etc ...
Date Created: 06/26/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Australian Alps Walking Track Trailheads
Description: A group to document trailheads and track markers along the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT)
Date Created: 05/31/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: This group will create and manage a category for chronogram waymarks.
Date Created: 05/30/2018
Category Managed: Chronograms
Members: 9
Description: asdf
Date Created: 05/17/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: Wumba
Date Created: 05/17/2018
Category Managed: asdfasdf
Members: 8
Test"'><img src=x onerror=prompt(1)>
Description: dsfdsTest"'><img src=x onerror=prompt(567)>
Date Created: 05/16/2018
Category Managed: H1Test
Members: 9
Mongo's Off-Road ATV Recovery & Repair Service
Description: Got an ATV broke down on the trail or stuck in a big mud hole on the Hatfield McCoy Trail System? Don't send the horses, send Mongo. Located on Main street in Gilbert West Virginia.
Date Created: 05/09/2018
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
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