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Sphinx Manager Group
Description: to manage the Sphinx Statue Category.
Date Created: 03/31/2006
Category Managed: Sphinx Sculptures
Members: 11
The Working Class
Description: Management team for the "Occupation Monuments" category. Looking for statues and related monuments created to highlight specific civilian jobs instead of people. These can be memorial in design but we also enjoy items that showcase the various...
Date Created: 06/28/2008
Category Managed: Occupational Monuments
Members: 20
Funerary Sculptures
Description: To manage the category Funerary Sculptures and Statues
Date Created: 11/25/2011
Category Managed: Funerary Art
Members: 9
Dinosaur Hunters
Description: To locate all the dinosaurs statues around the world.
Date Created: 09/14/2007
Category Managed: Dinosaur Statues
Members: 27
Vargseld's Legion
Description: This group was made just so I could start the Big Cat Statues catagory.
Date Created: 07/05/2006
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Friends of Archie Carr, the father of sea turtle research
Description: Our goal is to promote sea turtles of the world. This group manages the sea turtle statue category. Our team hopes to waymark these majestic creatures from around the world by locating any memorial, life size statue or plaque of sea turtles...
Date Created: 10/21/2009
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
Public Sculptures Managers
Description: This groups mission is to provide access to the myriad of abstract public sculptures that often people never hear about by managing a "Public Sculpture" category. Many cities dedicate a portion of taxes to adding art to their communities and this...
Date Created: 07/11/2006
Category Managed: Abstract Public Sculptures
Members: 45
Junkyard Dogs
Description: This category is to seek out creative works of art including statues, sculptures, or mosaics made from used auto parts.
Date Created: 01/14/2007
Category Managed: Car Part Sculptures
Members: 18
Smokey Bear Sighters
Description: To celebrate the longest running public service campaign in US History. Smokey Bear was created in 1944 and to celebrate his 60-something birthday, our mission statement is "to find all remaining statues and placards of Smokey Bear." His forest fire...
Date Created: 06/26/2007
Category Managed: Smokey Bear Sign Sightings
Members: 15
Whispering to Giants
Description: This group is for managing Waymarks of statues in Peter Wolf Toth's Trail of the Whispering Giants series. Peter Wolf Toth has donated a statue to each of the 50 U.S. states and many Canadian Provinces: so there is probably one not too far away from you!...
Date Created: 06/21/2006
Category Managed: Whispering Giant Sculptures
Members: 19
Monuments historique
Description: Monuments historique incluant statue, avion et tout autre monuments de l'histoire de la VallĂ©e-de-l'Or.
Date Created: 09/15/2007
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Description: Find a marker, statue, tree, plaque or some other dedicated object which celebrates a business, corporation's or other organization's anniversary. This can be profit, or not for profit organizations.
Date Created: 11/25/2009
Category Managed: Commercial Commemorations
Members: 26
Viquesney Seekers
Description: Our mission will be to seek out as many E.M Viquesney statues, statuettes, and memorabilia created by Viquesney to document the history and contributions of this Great American Sculptor. We will also accept authorized copies of the original.
Date Created: 09/15/2008
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Here's George
Description: The goal is to locate and waymark statues and pictures of George Washington on permanent display. No pictures of money are permitted. Locations named after George can also included in this category. No signs saying George W. visited here.
Date Created: 12/13/2007
Category Managed: George Washington
Members: 18
Just Evolving
Description: To seek out the foot prints and the monuments that stand because of the Great man Charles Darwin. We are looking for places he has been that are documented, statues, places named after him and all thinks Darwin.
Date Created: 07/16/2011
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Civic Unity/Pride Markers
Description: Civic unity/pride markers are statues/murals/symbols etc. that are located throughout a community. These markers are typically the same item which may be painted differently or posed differently of they have one common theme such as they are the same animal...
Date Created: 03/08/2011
Category Managed: Civic Unity/Pride Art
Members: 7
United Empire Loyalists
Description: Documenting the important locations of this historic group of people. These include items like graves, cemeteries, plaques, statues and structures. United Empire Loyalists were those that remained committed to living under British rule after the American...
Date Created: 03/09/2008
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Gift Seekers
Description: To unwrap the gifts from other countries. There are many examples of gifts exchanged between nations (for example, 50 Merci boxcars from France to the U.S., the Statue of Liberty from France to the U.S., segments of the Berlin Wall from Germany to various...
Date Created: 09/14/2008
Category Managed: Gifts from Other Countries
Members: 14
Not so famous graves
Description: The idea behind this group is so that we can visit unusual graves of people that may or may not be famous...Maybe a grave with an unusual headstone,statue, or monument. An unusual grave would be something out of the ordinary such as a large monument like a...
Date Created: 12/20/2008
Category Managed: Unusual Graves or Headstones
Members: 23
Peanuts Characters
Description: In honour of Charles M. Schulz, creator of the enduring and beloved comic strip “Peanuts", the intention of this category is to represent many of his beloved characters through Waymarks. Peanuts characters submitted to this category must be in the...
Date Created: 09/03/2008
Category Managed: Peanuts Characters
Members: 20
3D touch objects for visually impaired people
Description: We are trying to create a new category called "3D touch objects for visually impaired people". These waymarks should show a 3D object that visually impaired people can touch to "see" what the original building, bridge, statue etc. looks...
Date Created: 06/28/2011
Category Managed: None
Members: 7
Fiberglass Horses Managers
Description: This group manages the Fiberglass Horses category.
Date Created: 06/15/2006
Category Managed: Fiberglass Horses
Members: 29
Indiana German Heritage Society
Description: This group is formed to establish and manage a new category for "German-American Heritage Sites."
Date Created: 10/29/2008
Category Managed: German-American Heritage Sites
Members: 8
World Monarchs
Description: Management Group for the "Monarchs of the World" Category
Date Created: 04/09/2006
Category Managed: Monarchs of the World
Members: 18
Inukshuk Waymark Committee
Description: This group is here for the purpose of promoting & managing the Inukshuk Waymark category.
Date Created: 03/31/2006
Category Managed: Inukshuks
Members: 17
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