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Nature Reserves
Description: Deutsch: Interessante Punkte in Naturschutzgebieten weltweit, die durch Gesetze beonders geschützt sind. In Deutschland geschieht dies durch §23 BNatSchG. English: Interested points in Nature Reserves, which are protected...
Date Created: 08/12/2010
Category Managed: Nature Reserves
Members: 12
Sequoioideae Trees
Description: Description: English: To find Sequoioideae Trees all over the world outside their natural habitat. Deutsch: Zur Suche nach Mammutbäumen in Ländern und Regionen, in denen der Baum nicht heimisch ist.
Date Created: 08/11/2010
Category Managed: Sequoioideae Trees
Members: 23
German Trigpoints
Description: Deutsch Trigonometrische Punkte in Deutschland sind Punkte eines geodätischen Netzes. Es gibt unterschiedliche Trigonometrische Punkte. In dieser Kategorie suchen wir ausschließlich die Steine, welche meistens an der einen Seite ein Dreieck, an der...
Date Created: 08/11/2010
Category Managed: German Trigonometric Points
Members: 32
Pelham Bay Park, Bronx, NYC
Description: Natural landmarks as waymarks. There are historical locations/artifacts e.g. Bartow-Pell Mansion and interesting geographical features.
Date Created: 08/06/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Australian Wineries
Description: The purpose of this group will be to manage a waymarking category of wineries within Australia. A winery is a facility where fruit, usually grapes, is processed into wine. Some wineries are located on the same site as the vineyard whose...
Date Created: 08/05/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 3
Date Created: 08/04/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Europa Nostra
Description: Europa Nostra groups aim is to manage Historic Preservation Awards category. Gategory Goal is to find historic preservation award winning buildings, structures, landscapes and objects in the world. Europa Nosta is one of those organizations...
Date Created: 08/04/2010
Category Managed: Historic Preservation Awards
Members: 13
Century Farms
Description: Photograph and waymark Century Farms.
Date Created: 08/03/2010
Category Managed: Century Farms
Members: 14
Scouting Houses
Description: This group will manage a category that will include all local meeting places for Scouting organizations. This can include Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, and Explorers. To be eligible for this category, the meeting place...
Date Created: 08/02/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Historic Horse Stuff
Description:  To identify and record the locations of old Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, Carriage Blocks, and similar stone, concrete or iron objects in their original locations that aided a person tethering, mounting, or dismounting a horse or carriage that are...
Date Created: 08/01/2010
Category Managed: Historic Upping Stones, Hitching Posts, and Carriage Blocks
Members: 5
Description: To manage a category to document welcome signs with dates of incorporation.
Date Created: 07/31/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Canada's Centennial
Description: Waymark locations of projects that celebrated Canada's Centennial in 1967.
Date Created: 07/26/2010
Category Managed: Canada's Centennial 1967
Members: 8
Date Created: 07/25/2010
Category Managed: el juego santander 2016
Members: 7
Lava tubes
Description: I want to locate ALL Natural Lava tubes.
Date Created: 07/19/2010
Category Managed: Lava Tubes
Members: 9
Geocaching Santandeuropa
Description: Durante 12 meses Santander será sede de diferentes juegos de orientación y geocaching (waymarking incluido). En este grupo queremos que todos dejéis vuestras impresiones caches, waymarks, etc,... El objetivo final de Geocaching Santandeuropa es general...
Date Created: 07/16/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
PR Test Group
Description: This is to test the Peer Review comments
Date Created: 07/13/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Historic Eats
Description: To find and waymark eating establishments that have a long history; nothing that hasn't been around for at least 50 years. Restaurants that relocated within the past 50 years are acceptable, as long as they originally opened at least 50 years ago. Also...
Date Created: 07/13/2010
Category Managed: Historic Eats
Members: 20
Waterpark Category Managers
Description: The goal of our group is to eventually create a category that showcases waterparks.
Date Created: 07/09/2010
Category Managed: Waterparks
Members: 11
McAlisterville Bicentennial
Description: In 2010, McAlisterville, PA celebrates its 200th birthday. In honor of the occasion, this group will collaborate to list places of historical interest.
Date Created: 07/07/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 2
Pawn Shops
Description: I want to locate Pawn Shops of the world!
Date Created: 07/06/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 6
Edwards Cinema Movie Wachters
Description: I want to locate most of the Edward Cinema Move locations in the u.s.
Date Created: 07/06/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 1
Parks and Recreation
Description: As a geocacher, there are caches hidden in parks that I didn't even know about, called YAPIDKAs (Yet another park I didn't know about). These parks often seem small but have much natural beauty. My goal is to create a category of parks that aren't...
Date Created: 07/06/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 8
Public Storage/Shurgard Stores
Description: I want to locate MOST of the Public Storage stores. This is a place where you store things in North America and in Europe.
Date Created: 07/06/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 4
Earth Globes
Description: Earth Globes are spheroid shaped objects that as much as possible, accurately represent the major land masses and water bodies of our planet.
Date Created: 07/05/2010
Category Managed: Earth Globes
Members: 20
Indoor Basketball Courts
Description: There is a category for outdoor basketball courts, so the goal of this group is to create a category for gymnasiums and fieldhouses where the game of basketball is played.
Date Created: 07/05/2010
Category Managed: None
Members: 5
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