founder: stevespencer824
date created: 10/11/2007
no. of members: 4
description/mission statement:
Waterparks with sprinklers, fountains, etc. for kids to play in. Examples would be equipment in city/private parks near playgrounds. Waterparks as part of amusement parks, or fountains that people are not allowed to play in should be placed in their respective categories, not here.

open enrollment: OFF

Category Status: Your group's category, Waterparks has been denied by the waymarking community.

Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
stevespencer824 - Spencersb-Leader
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call number: 1
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Titansfan - cmmelton14
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call number: 2
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no message
blb9556 - cmmelton14
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call number: 4
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no message