founder: Lux
date created: 01/19/2007
no. of members: 5
description/mission statement:
Waymark the location of EarthDials around the world. EarthDial Project: The path that the Sun traces -- and consequently the lines and curves on the faces of the EarthDials -- are very different from Spain to Malaysia to the South Pole. And while the EarthDials are all made to a common pattern, each is decorated in the language and cultural motifs of its host. The EarthDials are designed to look somewhat like the MarsDials aboard NASA's Spirit and Opportunity rovers, which arrived on Mars in January 2004. All dials -- including the MarsDials -- bear the common motto "Two Worlds One Sun," because it's the same Sun that moves across the terrestrial and martian skies.

open enrollment: ON
Officer List
Total Records: 2 - Page: 1 of 1
Lux - Leader
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call number: 1
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dawgs - Officer 2
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call number: 4
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