founder: Jeremy
date created: 03/03/2008
no. of members: 13
description/mission statement:
This group was formed to start a blockhouse category In military science, a blockhouse is a small, isolated fort in the form of a single building. It is intended to serve as a defensive strongpoint against any enemy which does not possess siege equipment or, in modern times, artillery. If a fortification is intended to protect against such weapons as well, it is more likely to qualify as castle or, in modern times, a bunker. The major difference between a modern blockhouse and a bunker is that a bunker is constructed mostly below ground level while a blockhouse is constructed mostly above ground level. Blockhouses were generally built in timber during the Age of Exploration.

open enrollment: ON
Officer List
Total Records: 1 - Page: 1 of 1
Jeremy - Leader
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call number: 1
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