founder: wild-wildbill
date created: 08/01/2009
no. of members: 9
description/mission statement:
The group will manage a category dedicated to the recording of individuals calculating the coordinates of a geographic point where three States in the United States of America meet. The individuals will have to travel to the point, record the point with a photo then submit the information to this group to receive credit for the Waymark.

open enrollment: ON

Category Status: Your group's category, U.S. Tri-state geodetic points has been denied by the waymarking community.

Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
wild-wildbill - Leader
[view profile]

call number: 1
[send message]
no message
mrsmales - Side kick
[view profile]

call number: 2
[send message]
no message
scottbob139 - Sergeant
[view profile]

call number: 3
[send message]
no message