founder: northernpenguin
date created: 09/23/2008
no. of members: 6
description/mission statement:
The cleanest group! Find those places where soap is made, preferably the small shops. Many small towns, particularly the towns that thrive on tourism have small shops that specialize in selling or making soap! Many of these locations even have information displays or seminars on how soap is made. The goal for this group is to waymark these locations. Please note the primary purpose of the location must be the soap, we are not interested in every drug store that happens to sell soap products. We are also not interested in massive chemical plants that happen to produce soap. The business name should have the word SOAP or SOAPERY in the name.

open enrollment: ON
Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
northernpenguin - Leader
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call number: 1
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One clean penguin!
Avernar - Clean Waymarker
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call number: 2
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no message
Luc & Sweety - Clean Waymarker
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call number: 3
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no message