founder: pmaupin
date created: 08/26/2016
no. of members: 12
description/mission statement:
Discover the various fishing ports around the world

open enrollment: OFF

This group manages the following:
Total Records: 1 - Page: 1 of 1
Icon Category Name Date Created  
Commercial Fishing Ports 09/07/2016
Officer List
Total Records: 5 - Page: 1 of 1
pmaupin - Leader
[view profile]

call number: 1
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no message
Alfouine - Officer 1
[view profile]

call number: 4
[send message]
no message
Team Glandouillage - Officer 2
[view profile]

call number: 2
[send message]
no message
geotrouvtou59 - Officer 2
[view profile]

call number: 3
[send message]
no message
elyob - Officer 2
[view profile]

call number: 6
[send message]
no message