founder: South Surrey Scavengers
date created: 04/20/2006
no. of members: 13
description/mission statement:
We seek to travel the world in search of places that we can watch volcanoes in action. While some risk is involved when nearing any volcano we advocate the safe watching of volcanoes by remaining an appropriate distance from the action depending on the risk involved.

open enrollment: ON

This group manages the following:
Total Records: 1 - Page: 1 of 1
Icon Category Name Date Created  
Volcano Watching allows ratings 05/01/2006
Officer List
Total Records: 7 - Page: 1 of 1
Marine Biologist - Krakatoa
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call number: 13
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no message
monkeys4ever - Vesuvius
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call number: 10
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no message
Outspoken1 - Vesuvius
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call number: 14
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no message
DougK - Kilauea
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call number: 15
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no message
lumbricus - Kilauea
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call number: 16
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Review Break
pmaupin - Kilauea
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call number: 18
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no message
Alfouine - Kilauea
[view profile]

call number: 19
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no message