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Libraries allows ratings

by:  Libraries Managers 

A listing of active libraries from around the world!

Carnegie Library Buildings allows ratings

by:  Carnegie Libraries Managers 

More than 2500 Carnegie library buildings were built between 1881 and 1919. Many of the buildings still exist today and are used for various purposes. This category will list these buildings regardless of their use today.

Free Community Book Exchanges allows ratings

by:  Little Free Librarians 

<b>*Category Update 8/5/18* (read the expanded description below for more details).</b> The mission of the Free Community Book Exchanges category is to seek out any and all locations that exist in communities across the globe where free books are offered to the public to borrow, return, exchange with other books, etc. Most exchanges operate on the 'take a book, leave a book' policy.

Donated Engraved Bricks and Pavers allows ratings

by:  Brick Layers 

Engraved bricks and pavers displays as a fundraising tactic has had a re-emergence throughout the world. They are usually found at historical sites, schools, libraries, and even businesses. Sometimes they are dedicated to a fallen hero or to the friends of a library. They typically act as a sidewalk surrounding a memorial. Our goal is to photograph and document those brick dedications.

Little Free Pantry

by:  Feed My Sheep 

A Little Free Pantry, Blessing Box, or by any other name is what this category is looking for. The idea is simple. The box is a miniature food pantry -- receiving items from those who want to donate, and offering it to those who need them. The most common design is that of the Free Little Library - a post mounted wooden box with a door to protect the contents from the elements. Inside is placed non perishable food items.

Chronograms allows ratings

by:  Chronograms 

This category is looking for chronograms from around the world. They must be part of a permanent structure, sign or plaque (not in a book of your local library) and on public display.

Thrift Stores allows ratings

by:  Bargain Hunters 

This category is for Waymarks for Thrift Stores and second-hand stores such as those managed by Goodwill, The Salvation Army, Disabled American Vets, Amvets, and other similar organizations. It will also include second-hand stores run by local non-profit organizations such as a local church or community library.

This Old Church allows ratings

by:  This Old Church 

Is a church nearby a centenarian? If so, this category is the place! Here you can Waymark churches with sanctuaries at least 100 years old. Also, structures which were once the churches, but are now used for some other purpose (like a museum, library or school), may also be recorded. This category has simple, but very specific requirements. Please click on "show additional information" below to view requirements for this category before you head out to waymark the Old Church.

The Holocaust allows ratings

by:  The Holocaust 

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

Old Spanish Trail Auto Route

by:  Old Spanish Trail Blazers 

This category seeks to waymark the unique pieces of Americana and history that still lie along the Old Spanish Trail Auto Route. It connects the old Spanish colonial towns of St. Augustine, Florida, on the U.S. Atlantic coast and San Diego, California, on the U.S. Pacific Coast. The Old Spanish Trail Auto Route is not to be confused with the 19th century cattle trail of the same name that wound from Santa Fe to Los Angeles.

Dedicated Benches allows ratings

by:  People Who Like to Sit 

You see them most every time you go to the park. A bench with a plaque that reads, "In Memory of..." or "Dedicated To..." The purpose of this category is to waymark those benches.

Lincoln Highway Markers allows ratings

by:  Lincoln Highway Markers Managers 

The Lincoln Highway was the first coast-to-coast &quot;motor road&quot; for automobiles in the US. Along the route there were/are many directional markers to guide travelers and many landmark structures built to shelter and service the motoring public. The mission of this locationless cache is to find and record as many of these markers and landmarks as possible.

Permanent Car Displays allows ratings

by:  Cars 

A category to waymark permanent and static car displays. This is not for displays in car museums.

Frank Lloyd Wright Designed Buildings allows ratings

by:  Frank Lloyd Wright fans 

This category is for waymarking any building or other structure designed by world-famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

Tennessee Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  TN Historical Markers 

Seek out an official Tennessee Historical Marker - large rectangular aluminum sign on a post with black lettering – and so learn more about the interesting times past.

Wi-Fi Hotspots

by:  WiFi Seekers 

This category is for providing the location of a WiFi Hotspot for accessing the Internet via a wireless device. TWO photos are required (ONE with WiFi logo of the establishment, or Screenshot of connection), and an English narrative Long Description; an additional 'local description' is welcome if from a non-English speaking country. Required Naming Convention: Location Name - Wi-Fi Hotspot - City, State, [and] Country [may be abbreviated]

Murals allows ratings

by:  Murals Managers 

A mural is a painting, or other art media, such as tile, applied directly on a wall, ceiling, or other large permanent surface OR large art work permanently mounted for display to such surfaces.

D.U.P. Historic Markers allows ratings

by:  DUP Marker Group 

These markers can be found in eleven countries (Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Wales) and thirteen States (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)--although the majority of them are located in Utah and Idaho, more markers are constantly being placed.

Dated Buildings and Cornerstones allows ratings

by:  Stone Corners 

Buildings on which the date of construction was incorporated in the fabric of the building by the builders and is clearly visible. Cornerstones are an example.

Vintage Ad Locations

by:  Proofreaders 

Find a vintage ad that has a location/address that is verifiable. Vintage ads should be over 40 years old. Find the location and detail what is happening there today.

Drawing Waymarks

by:  Starving Artists 

How did waymarkers waymark in the Middle Ages? They sketched on parchment after marking coordinates with their... olde handheldth GPS receivers... Okay, you got me. Waymarking isn't that old. This is a game that has waymarkers drawing locations instead of taking photographs of them. (note: be sure to read the expanded description for requirements and restrictions)

Earth Globes allows ratings

by:  Earth Globes 

Earth Globes are spheroid shaped objects that as much as possible, accurately represent the major land masses and water bodies of our planet. Photos are required for new waymarks. One photo should be a close up of the globe and the second of the globe in its environment.

1000 Places to See Before You Die

by:  The Bucket List Brigade 

Help us build a waymarking "Bucket List" of sites, cities, and experiences as indexed in travel writer Patricia Schultz's bestselling books, "1000 Places To See Before You Die: A Traveler's Life List."

Municipal Flags

by:  Flag Bearers 

Flags of local communities all over the world

Funerary Art

by:  Funerary Art 

Graves and headstones often contain creative and special artwork done by the surviving dependents for their beloved decedents. Our category, 'Funerary Art' is looking for those stunning, unique 'WOW' works of art. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.

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