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Interactive Wing Displays

by:  Spread your Wings 

Public interactive murals or permanent 3D displays of wings that provide a photo opportunity for visitors to "Spread their wings." Butterfly, Insect, Bird, Angel or other types of wings can be included in this category.

Bat Boxes

by:  Bats in the Belfry 

Bat Boxes, whether mounted on a building, a tree in the forest, or free standing in a field, are man made structures intended to afford bats the chance to survive and reproduce.

Daughters of the American Revolution allows ratings

by:  Golden Wheel 

This category is to Waymark DAR markers or monuments erected to memorialize people, places and events throughout American history by Chapters of the DAR.

City Names in Giant Letters

by:  City Names 

We want to find every City Name made in giant letters all around the world. The only requirement is that the name of the city must be written in giant letters.

Nordic Heritage

by:  Nordic Heritage Managers 

The Nordic countries (i.e. Denmark, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Åland Islands) are rich in cultural heritage sites from the time of the declining Ice Age through the Viking Age, the Middle Ages and modern times. Some of these cultural heritage sites have also been recognized by Unesco as World Heritage. As in other countries, these cultural sites were and are placed under special monument protection and are usually also included in state lists.

Pancake and Crepe Restaurants

by:  Pancake Lovers 

This category lists restaurants which serve the best pancake and crepe menus in the world. The restaurants specialise in pancakes and/or crepes

Puzzles in the Real World

by:  Puzzles in the Real World 

Puzzles in the Real World is all about finding a puzzle depicting a landmark, scenic location or object in the real world. Provide a photograph of the puzzle box of the location, landmark or object represented, then find the location and duplicate the vantage point and perspective as shown on the puzzle box.

World War I Sites

by:  WWI Sites 

To create a category that documents, records, and catalogues historic sites and objects related to The Great War. This category is not intended for World War I monuments and memorials (as that is a separate category). Instead, this is meant to categorize sites vital and of historic interest to the war. See our expanded description for more details.

Italian Cultural Heritage

by:  Italia 

[IT] Waymark i Beni Culturali d'Italia. [EN] Waymark the Cultural Heritage of Italy.

Elevated Buildings

by:  Above the Ground 

Elevated buildings are those which, for myriad reasons, were constructed with the desire that they not be in contact with Terra Firma. They may occur in various forms, the predominant one being that of a relatively small building elevated well above the earth by posts or columns. These may be elevated caches, granaries or warehouses constructed for storage of food or supplies, fishing huts, bird watching or hunting blinds, or fire lookout towers.

Unique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers

by:  Unique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers 

The goal of this category is to waymark [b]Unique Artistic Door Handles and Knockers[/b]. We are NOT looking for ordinary everyday door handles and knockers, which can be found in any city around the world many times. See the expanded Description for details and examples.

Wooden Church Artefacts

by:  Wooden Church Artefacts 

This category is for wooden artefacts - Objects can be entered in this category from within and around churches and other places of worship. We are looking for "unusual" and interesting objects, and prefer not to be a category of duplicate waymarks.

Little Free Pantry

by:  Feed My Sheep 

A Little Free Pantry, Blessing Box, or by any other name is what this category is looking for. The idea is simple. The box is a miniature food pantry -- receiving items from those who want to donate, and offering it to those who need them. The most common design is that of the Free Little Library - a post mounted wooden box with a door to protect the contents from the elements. Inside is placed non perishable food items.

Counting and Measuring Displays

by:  Counting and Measuring Displays 

This category is looking for counting and measuring displays from around the world. They must be permanent and visible from public ground. IMPORTANT NOTE: As of June 22, 2023 we will allow only one "Bottles Saved" WM per user per state/province.

Lychgates and Depositories

by:  Lychgates and Depositories 

Originally Lychgates were a covered gateway used as the temporary resting place for a casket or corpse awaiting burial. They generally were located at a cemetery or church to provide protection from the elements. Depositories, though differing in appearance and placement, served essentially the same purpose.

Man-made Animal Bridges and Crossings

by:  Man-made Animal Bridges and Crossings 

The mission of this group is to seek out any man-made animal bridges and crossings that aid various wildlife in getting from point A to point B. We are particularly looking for earth bridges over highways and roads, bodies of water, as well as tunnels and corridors under highways and roads.

Chronograms allows ratings

by:  Chronograms 

This category is looking for chronograms from around the world. They must be part of a permanent structure, sign or plaque (not in a book of your local library) and on public display.

Caritas Internationalis

by:  Caritas 

Caritas Internationalis is confederation of over 160 members who are working in almost every country of the world. All organizations members of the Caritas Internationalis are to be Waymarked in this Category.

Belgium Monument Registers

by:  Belgium Historical Markers 

[ENG] Record monuments, properties, and protected sites in Belgium and normally marked with an official logo [FR] Publier les monuments, propriétés et zones protégées en Belgique et pourvu normalement d’un logo officiel [NL] Publiceer de monumenten, eigendommen en beschermde gebieden in België en normaal voorzien van een officieel logo [DE] Veröffentlichen Sie die Denkmäler, Grundstücke und Schutzgebiete in Belgien und normalerweise auch ein offizielles Logo enthalten

Bicycle Repair Stations

by:  Bike Mechanics 

This category seeks modern self-service Bicycle Repair Stations placed all around the world in public places.

Ground Based Air Navigation Support Structures

by:  Navaid Searchers 

Widely unknown to the broader public, there are thousands of stations all over the world that help airplanes to safely find their destination. This is the place to record them.

Doves of peace

by:  Doves of peace Managers 

The dove is considered a symbol of peace. The Dove of Peace has both religious symbolism and political symbolism in peace movements in the world.

Watershed Markers and Monuments

by:  Watersheds 

This category looks for markers and monuments which belong to Watersheds/Divides.

Advertising Columns allows ratings

by:  Advertizers 

Look for advertising columns, columns fixed to the earth and used for temporary and varied advertisements.

Cemetery Chapels

by:  Cemetery Chapels Caretakers 

Identify chapels within the property area of a cemetery. These chapels provide a place for families to gather at the cemetery, out of the weather, to say goodbye to their loved ones.

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