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North Carolina Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  North Carolina Highway Historical Markers 

Roadside historic markers are our windows to the past. They educate us, they make us curious to investigate, or they provide a nice excuse to take a break and stretch our legs while we read what happened here. Please click on "more detail" above to see the requirements for posting in this category.

Zinc Headstones allows ratings

by:  Zinc Inc. 

This category is for listing Zinc, or "White Bronze" headstones and war memorials. These markers can be found throughout North America, and are easily recognized by their bluish-gray color, and raised lettering.

Vintage Gasoline Pumps allows ratings

by:  Grease Monkeys 

Vintage gasoline pumps made prior to 1965 on permanent display

NPS Passport Cancellation Stations

by:  National Park Stampers 

NPS park locations where you can have your Passport to your National Parks Book stamped.

Wesleyan Churches allows ratings

by:  Wesleyans 

The Wesleyan Church is an evangelical, Protestant denomination. This category's purpose is to find buildings belonging to this denomination that are currently being used as places of worship.

Smithsonian Art Inventory Sculptures

by:  Art Archivist 

The Smithsonian Art Inventory includes over 400,000 works of art, including paintings and sculptures. This category is looking ONLY for outdoor public sculptures. This encompasses many sculpture types including monuments, mounted art, statues, abstract and realistic sculptures.

Ancient Roman Civilization allows ratings

by:  Seekers of Roman Civilization 

A collection of locations significant in the history of ancient Rome.

Freestanding Arches allows ratings

by:  Freestanding Arches Managers. 

This category will hold a collection of freestanding arches, both gateway arches and triumphal arches, ancient and modern. As the category grows, the hope is to show how such a simple shape has grown and changed over the ages, and how different regions of the world symbolically interpret this structural form.

Angel of Hope Statues allows ratings

by:  The Christmas Box - Angel of Hope Statues 

To catalog and document all of the world-wide Angel of Hope Statues.

Commercial Commemorations

by:  Bizateers 

World-wide, permanent historic markers, plaques, works of art, trees, or some other public acknowledgement, erected, made or placed to celebrate or commemorate a business or corporation's anniversary celebration or some other entity, event, group, people or organization's milestone or celebration.

D.U.P. Historic Markers allows ratings

by:  DUP Marker Group 

These markers can be found in eleven countries (Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Wales) and thirteen States (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)--although the majority of them are located in Utah and Idaho, more markers are constantly being placed.

Disc Golf Courses allows ratings

by:  Disc Golf Courses Managers 

Disc golf is played much like traditional golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, however, players use a flying disc, or FrisbeeĀ®. There are plenty of disc golf courses out there, so grab a disc and give it a try!!

Scenic Railroads allows ratings

by:  Scenic Railroad Tourists 

Scenic or tourist railways can be found worldwide. Locate the origin or destination of a scenic railroad and list it here.

UK Historical Markers

by:  Token Chroniclers 

This Category is for Waymarking all of those historical marker sites around the UK and marker sites across the world with British connections. Historical marker sites provide visitors with important, interesting information and provide us with a chance to stop to rest while travelling.<P> Use the approved UK Region Map to choose your Region: <A ref "bookmark" HREF=""target= _blank">visit link</A>

William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody allows ratings

by:  Buffalo Bill Scouts 

Locations related to the life, travels and memory of William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody, legendary hero and showman of the American West.

Hard Rock Cafe

by:  Hard Rockers 

This category is for waymarking Hard Rock Cafes, Casinos, and Hotels

Retired Prisons

by:  Retired Prisons 

Find and log a prison, jail or penitentiary, that is no longer being used to detain people. *UPDATE 9/21/17* This category will now require former prisons and jails to still exist in order to qualify.

International Space Station Sightings

by:  Space Science 

This is a game that requires two or more players to "catch" the International Space Station as it visibly passes through the night sky across hundreds or thousands of miles in one of its orbits around the globe.

Exceptional Tree Growth Ring Displays allows ratings

by:  Dendrochronologists 

This category is to find and document all Tree Growth Ring Displays. These are often found along trails,in Nature Centers, Visitor's Centers, or museums and are often used as teaching aids or part of an educational display.

Blacksmith Shops allows ratings

by:  Blacksmith Shops 

This category will locate, photograph, and waymark existing, historical, and former blacksmith shops.

Current and Former Exchanges

by:  Traders 

An exchange is an organized market where tradable goods are sold and bought. We are looking for the locations of current and former exchanges around the world.

Breweries allows ratings

by:  The brewers 

A brewery can be a building or place that produces large quantities of beer. It can also be a business (brewing company) whose trade is the production and sale of its own beer or spirits (liquor).

Flags of Organizations

by:  Flag Wavers 

This group will seek out and record examples of flags that represent organizations, corporations, institutions, businesses, agencies, or any other group that is not a political/governmental division. Only ONE example of any specific flag will be accepted into the category.

Etched in Stone allows ratings

by:  Etched in Stone 

This category seeks the locations that have quotes permanently displayed.

Puzzles in the Real World

by:  Puzzles in the Real World 

Puzzles in the Real World is all about finding a puzzle depicting a landmark, scenic location or object in the real world. Provide a photograph of the puzzle box of the location, landmark or object represented, then find the location and duplicate the vantage point and perspective as shown on the puzzle box.

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