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Salvation Army Locations

by:  SalArmy Searchers 

This category is for documenting the locations that are Salvation Army related, internationally. These can include churches, camps, schools, centers, etc.


Specific Wars Monuments and Memorials

by:  WarVeterans 

This category is for monuments and memorials dedicated to specific wars, typically to honor the persons (as a whole, not as individuals) who fought in such conflicts. Exclusions made for wars which memorials and monuments already have their own categories.


Railroad Maintenance-Of-Way Equipment allows ratings

by:  I've Been Working On The Railroad 

A place to waymark railroad "MOW" or Maintenance-Of-Way equipment


Plank Roads allows ratings

by:  Plank Roads Category Managers 

The original idea for wooden Plank Roads came from Russia to Canada in the 1830’s and became, for a short time, a popular method of road construction spreading, in the 1840’s, to the US. Some disappeared, others are now just trails, many became paved roads but in many cases the name stuck and you can still find signs to indicate that the road was once a &quot;Plank Road&quot;


Homesteads allows ratings


Our Founding Fathers carved out this Nation, we are here to mark those Old Home sites where they once lived.


Drive-In Movie Theaters allows ratings

by:  Drive-In Movie Theaters Managers 

The Big Picture: As indoor multiplexis multiply, the screen sizes shrink, & prices climb; audiences wreary of this rampant commercialism are rediscovering 'Drive-Ins'. Drive-Ins provide romantic & nostalgic alternatives under the stars; have larger screens, snack bar menus, & usually 2 sometimes 3 movies for the price of 1 . Yet, Drive-Ins offer an experience & an opportunity for us that is more than meerly seeing a movie on the BiG screen. It is about seeing the larger picture.


Blacksmith Shops allows ratings

by:  Blacksmith Shops 

This category will locate, photograph, and waymark existing, historical, and former blacksmith shops.


Portuguese Historical Markers

by:  Portuguesehistoricalmarkers 

[PT] O objetivo desta categoria é criar uma listagem de todas as placas informativas dos monumentos, locais e edifícios históricos de Portugal. [EN] The goal of this category is to create a listing of all the Portuguese Historical Markers.


Simulacra allows ratings

by:  Simulacra Managers 

Simulacra are inanimate objects - usually stones, rock walls, old tree trunks, plants, patches of peeling paint, rust spots, and so on that have uncanny resemblances to inanimate things. Often tricks of light and shadow make these objects fleeting, and hard to see again.


Miniature Railroads allows ratings

by:  Miniature RR Managers 

Miniature railroads (also known as zoo or park trains) are any operating railroad that would not be considered "full sized" but which are still capable of carrying passengers. They can be found worldwide.


Spring Houses allows ratings

by:  Spring Houses Managers 

Spring houses unite!! Do you know of a spring house? List it here.


Tearooms and Teahouses allows ratings

by:  Tea Leaf Friends 

Here you can order a cup of tea (herbal, chai, maté, loose leaf) and enjoy drinking it on the premises. We are looking for both independent tearooms and franchises of larger tearooms.


Inside Airports allows ratings

by:  Inside Airports 

While traveling, log your layovers!


Eternal Flames allows ratings

by:  Torch Keepers 

Locate all the eternal flames in the world and tell about the history and the meaning of the flame.


Church of the Nazarene allows ratings

by:  Bresee Brigade 

Any active Church of the Nazarene or Nazarene institution/ministry including colleges, schools, clinics, compassionate ministry centers, etc.


Lincoln Highway Markers allows ratings

by:  Lincoln Highway Markers Managers 

The Lincoln Highway was the first coast-to-coast &quot;motor road&quot; for automobiles in the US. Along the route there were/are many directional markers to guide travelers and many landmark structures built to shelter and service the motoring public. The mission of this locationless cache is to find and record as many of these markers and landmarks as possible.


Building Buildings allows ratings

by:  Building Buildings 

Tracking large buildings that are getting constructed, from the first beam to completion. It is NOT to advertise real estate, condos, builders, architects, etc. These Waymarks will be declined immediately.


Railroad Museums

by:  "Choo-Choo" Railroad Museums  

Railroad museums from around the world.


Cigar Store Indians allows ratings

by:  Cigar store Indian 

Wanted: Real wooden Cigar Store Indians! This group wants to find out where they are still used today.


Illuminated School Sports Fields  allows ratings

by:  Friday Night Lights 

We are looking for those places where high school or secondary schools play football or soccer primarily under the lights. This can be school, community, or city fields.


George Washington  allows ratings

by:  Here's George 

The goal of this category is to locate and document George's image on permanent display, as well as places named in his honor. Please do not include any bushes, trees, stones, etc. It can be a park, but no streets. Nothing accepted otherwise, including George slept here or said this. These are the requirements that must be met for this category.


U-Haul SuperGraphics

by:  Moving Pictures 

Capture yourself one of the nearly 200 available "SuperGraphics" found on the sides of U-Haul moving vans and trailers! - Be sure to read the expanded category descriptions. Please click on "show additional information" below to see requirements for posting in this category.


Remote Backcountry Shelters allows ratings

by:  Treehuggers 

Spending a night in the backcountry can be an exhilarating experience, and a backcountry shelter can be a destination in itself.


Factory Tours allows ratings

by:  Factory Tour Guide 

Visit the locations around the world where popular products are made.


Swimming Holes

by:  Swimming Hole Mongers 

Places that you can either walk, hike or drive to to cool off in the hot summer afternoon.

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