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War and Military Museums allows ratings

by:  The Museum Curators 

This Category is for submissions of war or military museums with military displays in a permanent environment.


Kansas Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Kansas Historic Markers 

Search for a Kansas Historical Marker and please make sure it has not been previously recorded. Record the information needed to prove the existence of the marker and that the person who recorded it was there.


Best Burgers in Town

by:  Best Burgers In Town Management 

This category is for the best burgers in town. NO FRANCHISES PLEASE!


Living Statues allows ratings

by:  Living Statues Managers 

This is a place to document statues and monuments of real live, living people.


Domes of the (Under) World

by:  Dome Heads 

This category is for cataloging the inside/underneath of domes which are unique, ornamental, demonstrate beauty, and eye-popping detail and that are appealing to the eye and make you want to stop and take a picture. These under-domes must have significant artistic merit of some sort, not be plain, unadorned surfaces.


German Benchmarks

by:  German Benchmark Hunters 

<p>[DE] In dieser Kategorie sollen alle <b>offiziellen Höhenfestpunkte in Deutschland</b> eingetragen werden. In Deutschland gibt es ca. 60 000 Höhenfestpunkte, welche in der Örtlichkeit fest vermarkt sind. </p> <p> [EN] This category contains <b>all official registered Benchmarks in Germany</b>. In Germany there are about 60,000 benchmarks, which are solid fixed on site.


The Holocaust allows ratings

by:  The Holocaust 

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.


Vegetarian Eateries

by:  Vegetarian Eateries 

To sample and record vegetarian restaurants throughout the world.


Weird Story Locations allows ratings

by:  Weird Story Locations 

Every community has them: those weird little stories of ghosts, bogymen, things that go bump in the night and just plain strange happenings and humans. Share your stories with the world through this Waymark category!


Paramedic Stations allows ratings

by:  Paramedic 

Locations of Paramedic Stations.


Minnesota Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Minnesota Historical Markers 

Minnesota Historical Markers of all types.


Wyoming Historical Markers allows ratings

by:  Wyoming Historic Markers 

Roadside historic markers are our windows to the past. They educate us, they make us curious to investigate, or they provide a nice excuse to take a break and stretch our legs while we read what happened here. This category is for those markers found in the state of Wyoming.


Radio and Television Transmitter Towers

by:  Global Transmitters 

This category collects commercially-licensed Radio and Television transmitter towers/antennas around the world. Military and non-public government agency transmitter towers/antennas are excluded.


Science Museums allows ratings

by:  Curators of Science 

Science museums of all types around the world


Carriages and Coaches on Permanent Display

by:  the Coachmen 

Horse-drawn vehicles were the most important means of land transport for centuries. Many of them have survived the era of motorization and were put on display. We are looking for places where carriages or coaches are on permanent display. Please take a look at the Expanded Description for further details.


Unoccupied Buildings, Shacks, and Cabins allows ratings

by:  Hunting the buildings lost in time 

Every building has a story, every building had a purpose, if you do any amount of exploring you have probably come across an old ranchers camp, an old abandoned miners cabin, or something like that, these are what this category is all about.


The Local Neighborhood Grocer

by:  Shopping Locally 

Many neighborhoods have their own corner grocer, that quirky little store where the locals shop, and few others know it even exists. My family owned and operated one such market from the late 1920s through the mid 1940s. Even now, some 60 years later, this little corner grocer still exists. The object of this group is find and document these little markets.


YMCA / YWCA  allows ratings

by:  Village Persons 

Both the YMCA and the YWCA are worldwide organizations founded on the ideals of providing young men and women with spiritual, intellectual, social and physical well-being. The organizations have greatly expanded and can be found in over 120 countries.


Independent Doughnut Shops

by:  Doughnut Holes 

Marking the locations of independent doughnut shops around the world.


VFW Posts allows ratings

by:  Honor Guard 

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States - VFW Post buildings


Japanese Restaurants allows ratings

by:  Japanese Restaurants 

To list all restaurants, located outside Japan, serving primarily Japanese cuisine, but not including sushi or noodles. Sushi or noodles may be sold, just not as their primary business.


Publicly Held Corporation Headquarters

by:  CEOs 

Corporate headquarters are buildings where all important business functions take place. This category is for waymarking these locations.


Abandoned Dead Vehicles allows ratings

by:  Abandoned Dead Vehicles 

Abandoned Dead Vehicles will only accept cars, trucks, buses, trolley cars, or other "motorized" vehicles that are <b>abandoned</b>, no longer running, and can not be restored. We do NOT accept any Abandoned Dead Vehicles on private property.


Cracker Barrel Restaurants

by:  Cracker Barrel Restaurants 

The Cracker Barrel Restaurant Group would like to document all locations of Cracker Barrel Restaurants.


UK Post Offices allows ratings

by:  UK Post Offices 

UK Post Offices from the smallest village to the largest city centre Post Office.

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