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Pyramids allows ratings

by:  Pyramid Minders 

Waymarks in this category mark the coordinates for pyramids, or buildings that have pyramid elements in them.


Iconic Factories allows ratings

by:  Old Factories 

The goal of this category is to locate and photograph factories where notable products were or are made. We would prefer that this be restricted to products recognizable to most, perhaps even iconic. This could be the Corvette factory near Bowling Green, KY, the Hershey factory in Hershey, PA, or the Heinz factory in Pittsburgh. In some cases, these buildings are long gone, but record the location and giving an indication of what is there now would be acceptable.


Spanish-American War Memorials allows ratings

by:  Spanish American War managers 

A category to waymark memorials and monuments to the Spanish-American War.


Graves of the Unknown

by:  Unknown 

When some people die, their identities are lost. They are buried with all possible respects and are assigned a name that is commonly associated with an unidentified person. This category is for all the headstones of the unknown.


Framed Views

by:  Framed Views 

We are looking for Framed Views all around the world. Have you ever seen a huge picture frame or a free standing window showing the best view to an interesting location? This is the place to waymark them. Please take a look at the Expanded Description for further details.


Pet Cemeteries allows ratings

by:  Pet Cemeteries Managers 

Our pets are brought into our homes and our hearts, where they are cherished and loved. We talk to them, sharing our secrets, dreams, and fears with them. We trust them with our hearts and they listen to all we have to say. What more could we possibly ask for? Unfortunately our treasured companions have much shorter life spans than we do. So having these final resting places sometimes can make it easier.


Convention Centers

by:  Let's Convene 

A category to waymark convention centers.


Fraternity and Sorority Houses allows ratings

by:  Fraternity and Sorority Houses 

Locations of currently active, sanctioned Fraternity and Sorority Houses around the world.


Canadian Legion Memorials Cairns and Cenotaphs allows ratings

by:  Legion Cairns and Memorials 

The Royal Canadian Legion has thousands of Memorials, Cenotaphs,Cairns, and Plaques all over the World for the Men and Women who have stood and or fallen during the Wars for our Freedoms.Nearly every town in Canada has at least one monument or plaque in this category.



by:  Pergolas 

This category's goal is to highlight the many pergolas located around the world. Most are freestanding and some are attached to an existing building. Pergolas submitted to this category are required to be artistic in their design and/or have some history attached to them. If they have some ornamentation or foliage in their creations, even better. Plain-looking, run-of-the-mill pergolas submitted here will be denied.


Grange Halls allows ratings

by:  Northcoast grangers 

Grange Halls are located in many rural communities. Our goal is to find them all, active or not, and post a Waymark page for them.


Bandshells allows ratings

by:  Bandshell Seekers 

By definition, a bandshell is a bandstand with a concave, almost hemispheric wall at the rear that serves as a sounding board.


Monuments of the Eastern Freedomfights allows ratings

by:  freedomfight 

We are looking for every monuments which is dedicated to the uprisings against the communist regime all over the world.


Canoe/Kayak Trips allows ratings

by:  Canoe Trips 

Waymarks in this category mark the parking coordinates for a canoe or kayak trip launching spot.


Abandoned Train Tunnels allows ratings

by:  Abandoned Train Tunnel Managers 

In the decline of the railroad industry, many railpaths have been dismantled, often leaving tunnels through hillsides abandoned. Some have been nearly forgotten, others have been reborn for new uses such as a rails to trails pathway. Whatever the condition, as long as the tunnel is no longer active, it can be listed here.


Active Quarries allows ratings

by:  Active Quarries Managers 

An open excavation or pit from which stone is obtained by digging, cutting, or blasting.


Hall of Fame

by:  Hall of Fame Official Judges 

Dedicated to achievements of the human experience often in the realm of sports, entertainment or science as examples.


Assembly of God Churches

by:  A/G Positive 

Any active Assembly of God church or institution/ministry including colleges, schools, compassionate ministry centers, etc.


La Famille Bonaparte allows ratings

by:  La Famille Bonaparte 

[EN] A place to record places of interest related to the Bonaparte familly. [FR] Un endoit pour enregistrer des lieux qui ont un rapport avec la famille Bonaparte.


Ghost Bikes allows ratings

by:  Share the Road 

A ghost bike or ghostcycle is a bicycle set up in a place where a cyclist has been hurt or killed, as a memorial to the injured or fallen rider, and as a reminder to passing motorists to share the road. A junk bicycle is painted white, and locked to a suitable object close to the scene of the accident, with a white placard and (typically) red stenciled lettering. These memorials are mainly a political statement erected by pro-cycling organizations.


Drawing Waymarks

by:  Starving Artists 

How did waymarkers waymark in the Middle Ages? They sketched on parchment after marking coordinates with their... olde handheldth GPS receivers... Okay, you got me. Waymarking isn't that old. This is a game that has waymarkers drawing locations instead of taking photographs of them. (note: be sure to read the expanded description for requirements and restrictions)


Quilt Shops allows ratings

by:  Quilt Shops 

A place to share locations of quilt shops and keep the whole family happy while caching and waymarking.



Mills and Gins allows ratings

by:  Processing Mills & Gins 

A category for non-water or wind powered mills and gins used in the processing of natural materials. In some instances if the mill/Gin is still operational, but originally was water/wind powered and has since changed its main source of energy, then it may be submitted for approval. See expanded description.


Cobblestone Buildings

by:  Cobblestones 

Cobblestone buildings were constructed during the 1800's, found mostly in the Great Lakes region, although they can be found elsewhere in the world. This category is for cobblestone buildings only. (Cobblestone streets and walls will not be accepted).

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