Evan Robert Hanbury - All Saints - Braunston, Rutland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 39.042 W 000° 46.253
30U E 650790 N 5835747
Memorial plaque to Evan Robert Hanbury, who fell near St Quentin 23rd Mar 1918.
Waymark Code: WMZ1AZ
Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 08/25/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member iconions
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Memorial plaque to Evan Robert Hanbury, who fell near St Quentin 23rd Mar 1918.
The memorial consists of a wall mounted two-panelled tablet array incorporating an overall mottled marble border enclosing, in the left hand panel, a colourful figure of St. George, standing and holding a sword & spear with the slain dragon at his feet. In the larger right hand fainter mottled marble panel, an inscription accompanied by a Leicestershire Yeomanry badge at top centre. The incised inscription lettering is infilled in black.

Inscription -
More life and fuller

"Source: Michael Doyle Their Name Liveth For Evermore: The Great War Roll of Honour for Leicestershire and Rutland.

He was the son of Mrs., and the late Evan Hanbury of Braunston Manor, Oakham, Rutland, and the husband of Sophia Olive Murray Graham (formerly Hanbury) of 15, Mansfield Street, Portland Place, London. His wife was the daughter of Captain Jacobson, having married in 1912, he leaves a son. He was educated at Oakham, Cheam, Eton and New College, Oxford where he graduated with honours. On leaving University he entered Messrs. Truman, Hanbury and Buxton’s Brewery, in which his family held an interest, and after a brief period received a seat on the Board of Directors. At the outbreak of war he held a commission with the Leicestershire Yeomanry, and at once joined his regiment which was called up to service at the front. In 1915 he was wounded at Ypres, Belgium and was invalided home. Returning to France he was attached to the 14th Battalion of the Machine Gun Corps., and he served with that unit until the 23rd March 1918 when he was reported wounded and missing near Hamel, France. He was mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig’s dispatch of 18th April 1918. Prolonged and minute inquiries failed to elicit more definite information of his actual fate, and in March 1919 it was presumed that either he was killed or had died of his wounds. Alike at work or play, at school or college, in business or the Army, Major Hanbury displayed a spirit of indomitable vigour and energy, which made him prominent in every enterprise he joined. He was also endowed with a degree of courage which amounted almost to a reckless indifference to danger. From Cheam where he was Captain of the football team, his headmaster writes:- “He was always a boy of great courage and as straight as a die. I had the highest opinion of him.” Similarly his house master at Eton says:- “He was always remarkable for his vitality and vigour. His originality and his love of fun and absolute fearlessness made him lots of friends. His good abilities took him up the school quickly, and he was in the “First Hundred” some time before he left Eton. He was a dashing, if somewhat unorthodox batsman, a fine football player, and junior keeper of the School Fires.” He early distinguished himself as a horseman. Inheriting a love of fox hunting from his father, who was for many years Master of the Cottesmore Hounds; he became Master of the Drag at Oxford, and he was well known as one of the boldest riders to hounds in Leicestershire. He gained many successes on the steeplechase course; at Oxford he carried off the Billington Cup; and the Inter University Challenge Cup in 1907; later he rode often at the Melton Hunt Races, and gained amongst other successes the coveted Ladies’ Purse (1911), and the Tally Ho Steeplechase (1912), the last two on his father’s good horse Tipperary. Such are some of the qualities which he devoted to his countries service in her hour of need, and they endeared him alike to his brother officers and his men. Others of a more intimate kind, have enshrined him in the memory of his own family and of many life long friends. On Friday May 21st 1915 The Melton Mowbray Times & Vale of Belvoir Gazette published the following article under the heading. LEICESTERSHIRE YEOMANRY IN ACTION.
Exactly twelve months ago the Leicestershire Yeomanry Regiment were located in Colonel J. F. Laycock’s field on the Scalford Road for the purpose of undergoing their annual training, and unhappily many of those who took part in those proceedings are now no more, while numerous others are lying in hospitals more or less seriously wounded. Up to the time of going to press no official information had come to hand as to what actually transpired, but it appears that the Leicestershire Yeomanry covered themselves with glory and honour in the desperate fighting which occurred throughout the whole of yesterday week in front of Ypres, and helped to save the British lines on the Menin – Ypres road by holding up hordes of the enemy and massed artillery until such time as reinforcements could arrive on the scene. It will be recalled that the Leicestershire Yeomanry were honoured by being one of the first Territorial Cavalry Regiments called to the front, and they left at the beginning of November. They had the distinction of being brigaded with the 1st and 2nd Life Guards, but as there was little or no work for cavalry they performed the duties of infantry, and soon distinguished themselves by the bravery they displayed in company with more seasoned comrades. So far they had been exceedingly fortunate in regard to casualties, having only lost two or three men out of over 500, for which reason they were christened “God’s Own.” Sickness and accidents had, however, from time to time thinned the ranks, and drafts had been sent out from Melton in order to keep the regiment up to war strength of 500. For several weeks they had been waiting in reserve behind the lines, but on Sunday week they were lent to an infantry division, and about half the regiment left for the firing line to do relief duty on the Menin-Ypres road, the rest remaining behind in charge of the horses. Wednesday night was occupied in digging trenches, and as soon as daylight made its appearance the following morning the German artillery commenced a most violent bombardment which was kept up with great intensity for several hours, eventually causing the Yeomanry to retire to the reserve trenches. Later the German infantry attacked them in dense masses, but the Leicestershire’s gallantly stuck to their allotted task, though in doing so they suffered very heavy casualties, estimated at over 200, and it is stated that out of some 270 men who took part in the engagement only about 30 came away unscathed. Both officers and men appeared to have displayed the most utmost daring, and both sustained heavy losses. It is to be deeply regretted that at least seven officers were killed and four wounded, their names being as follows:-
Lieut. Colonel the Hon. P. C. Evans Freke, (Commandant), Major W. F. Martin, Major Liebert, (late 7th Hussars), Lieut. T. E. Brooks, Lieut. Thomson, Lieut. Colin Peake, Second Lieut. Turner.
Major W. F. Ricardo, Captain G. Codrington, Captain E. R. Hanbury, Captain O. F. Martin.
It appears that Colonel Freke, the Commanding Officer of the Regiment, lost his life whilst the Yeomanry were retiring to the reserve line of trenches, and was fearlessly standing on a parapet at the time he was struck. Just previously he had gallantly rescued a wounded Private in the midst of a shower of bullets. Major Ricardo, in command of the A or Melton Squadron, is also stated to have acted with the utmost coolness, and had continued to direct the men after he had been wounded. When the news became known in Melton and district that the Leicestershire Yeomanry had suffered severe losses it was naturally the principal topic of conversation, and, of course, the greatest anxiety prevailed amongst the relatives of men in the ranks who were unable to obtain any definite information as to the safety or otherwise of those they held dear. So far as can at present be gathered, only one member of the Melton Troop has lost his life, viz., Pte. F. H. Smith, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Thorpe End. Some were fortunate enough to come through the ordeal uninjured, while others were among those left behind in charge of the horses. A list of casualties amongst the non commissioned officers and men has been received from the Adjutant of the regiment in France. This list has not yet been officially confirmed from the War Office, but it has been thought best to publish the names as received from France in order to relieve the anxiety of relatives and friends. It is believed that a large number of those reported missing are wounded and are now lying in the various hospitals in France. It is understood that no prisoners were taken by the enemy, and as a matter of fact some of those reported missing are known to have been brought to hospitals in England. The list referred to is as follows:-
3538 R. Sergt. Major Parker, 2016 Pte. T. H. Maddock, 1644 Sergt. H. Aspden, 1725 Pte. F. A. Simpkin, 1992 L. Corpl. J. R. Gamble, 1827 Pte. J. W. Hoyes, 1822 Pte. F. W. Mabbott, 2661 Pte. H. Ray, 2131 Pte. W. Sleath, 1987 Pte. F. H. Smith, 1863 Pte. J. Tomlinson, 2343 Pte. F. Watts, 1643 Sergt. L. S. Burton, 1464 Sergt. J. A. Berry, 1291 Corpl. R. G. Cox, 1805 L.Corpl. H. S. Trotter, 1874 Pte. F. P. Brown, 2559 Pte. E. E. Bucklar, 2022 Pte. G. H. Conquest, 2192 L.Corpl. E. Holmes, 1764 Pte. F. H. Matthews, 1726 Pte. J. C. Morrison, 1936 Pte. M. W. Rowley, 1983 Pte. V. W. Saunders, 2129 L.Corpl. J. H. Ward, 2081 Pte. E. C. White, 1580 Sergt. H. Kealey, 1589 L.Corpl. W. Kent, 2145 Pte. C. H. Adams, 2511 Pte. G. Barker, 2122 L.Corpl. A. Bramley, 2589 Pte. M. Hickling, 1920 Pte. P. Jones, 1996 Pte. H. Mason, 2203 Pte. H. Spence, 2708 Pte. B. S. Tomlin, 1912 Pte. J. Williamson, Interpreter R. Du Can,
1479 Sergt. P. P. Harris, 2099 Pte. J. E. Swann, 2111 Sergt. A. S. Campbell, 2187 Pte. J. W. Newton, 1831 Pte. W. H. Cain, 1964 Corpl. F. Payne, 1895 L.Corpl. H. W. Fowler, 863 Pte. A. B. Baines, 2285 Pte. S. Barnard, 2678 Pte. G. W. Bates, 2037 Pte. G. Castle, 1829 Pte. H. H. Fielding, 2067 Pte. R. D. Hardy, 2158 Pte. E. M. Harvey, 1821 Pte. H. N. Lock, 2869 Pte. C. W. Morgan, 2220 Pte. F. Pears, 2448 Pte. R. K. Peers, 1969 Pte. C. H. Roberts, 2034 Pte. C. S. Lovelock, 2512 Pte. F. Wilford, 1031 Sergt. A. E. Stafford,1802 L.Corpl. F. Sheffield, 2309 Pte. J. Aitcheson, 2638 Pte. H. Catlin, 1961 Pte. S. Coaton, 2079 Pte. A. J. Duckering, 2677 Pte. J. Hamilton, 2033 Pte. R. Hardy, 1884 L.Corpl. S. T. Hiddon, 2692 Pte. F. G. Jowers, 1989 Pte. A. Lord, 2550 Pte. A. McNeil, 1372 Pte. S. G. Maltby, 1935 Pte. C. W. Murphy, 1898 Pte. B. Porter, 1990 Pte. S. H. Silvester, 1875 Pte. C. C. Stafford, 1729 Pte. K. H. Tasker, 2318 Pte. A. Underwood, 2018 Pte. A. G. Vessey, 2087 Pte. W. C. Warden, 2569 Pte. W. H. Stapleford, 1062 Sergt. H. A. Swain, 1222 Sergt. R. Perkins, 1756 Corpl. H. T. Hack, 2130 Pte. R. Colpas, 2585 Pte. E. E. Gardner, 1812 Pte. E. W. Grainger, 2223 Pte. J. Gray, 1679 Pte. F. Hammond, 1991 Pte. W. H. Hollingshead, 2277 Pte. P. H. Hunt, 2516 Pte. H. H. Morris, 1791 Pte. W. H. Moseley, 1810 Pte. A. Neale, 2566 Pte. W. F. Shedden, 2313 Pte. T. H. Talbot, 1302 Arm. S. Sergt. D. Shaw (8th Ord Coy).
1938 Pte. P. Clifford, 1660 Corpl. J. C. Needham, 1732 L.Corpl. L. J. Moir, 2124 Pte. G. Holland, 2108 Pte. J. H. Hopkins, 1738 Pte. F. M. Martin, 2107 Pte. J. W. Matts, 2106 Pte. E. W. L. Shaw, 2006 Pte. H. Shaw, 2150 Pte. C. E. Weetman, 1774 Pte. P. E. Bowen, 2160 Pte. S. Smalley, 1722 Corpl. W. Longwill, 2245 Pte. S. Barratt, 2183 Pte. T. Chadwick, 1716 Pte. F. Coleman, 2322 Pte. F. Pollard, 2367 Pte. A. L. Wood, 1914 Pte. W. Woods, 2500 Pte. F. C. Wright, 844 Sergt. A. Wright, 1939 L.Corpl. A. T. Powell, 2231 Pte. C. W. Bear, 1997 Pte. R. R. Bevin, 2567 Pte. S. Clay, 2658 Pte. F. W. Daley, 2685 Pte. S. W. Darlington, 2523 Pte. T. S. Elliott, 1728 Pte. A. R. Fewkes, 2278 Pte. H. Hansen, 2624 Pte. L. Hill, 2089 Pte. W. Hutt, 2501 Pte. G. Morley, 2251 Pte. A. Rhodes, 2502 Pte. C. F. Richardson, 1915 Pte. G. V. Tiptod, 2260 Pte. J. T. Wagstaff, 2337 Pte. B. Ward, 910 Sergt. W. Moore, 1261 Sergt. C. Stuchbury, 1478 L.Sergt. J. Parker, 1684 Corpl. F. Burton, 2317 Corpl. G. Morrison, 2025 Shoeing Smith B. Holmes, 1904 Pte. T. Brooks, 2117 Pte. A. Bunker, 1974 Pte. G. O. Chester, 2062 Pte. H. Clapcott, 1995 Pte. G. Clowes, 1471 Pte. E. Corah, 2323 Pte. H. Coy, 2451 Pte. A. V. Dawley, 2134 Pte. J. W. Dawson, 2560 Pte. A. Deville, 1760 L.Corpl. B. Diggle, 2113 Pte. L. Dowland, 1754 Pte. H. Grudgings, 2591 Pte. F. Harris, 1978 Pte. G. E. Hawker, 2368 Pte. A. Herrick, 2562 Pte. E. Johnson, 2146 Pte. R. G. Johnson, 1955 Pte. W. Lacey, 1843 Pte. J. J. Lucas, 2609 Pte. J. J. Morley, 1678 Pte. D. Moore, 1845 Pte. W. Moore, 2641 Pte. F. Newton, 2394 Pte. G. Parlby, 2031 Pte. T. Peberdy, 1844 Pte. C. E. Pritchard, 1927 Pte. J. Roberts, 1967 Pte. A. Smith, 2027 Pte. W. Smith, 2646 Pte. T. Sherriff, 2144 Pte. W. J. Steer, 2097 Pte. C. Tatlow, 2000 Pte. J. W. Taylor, 1779 L.Corpl. F. W. Thompson, 1859 Pte. H. Williams.
The Adjutant’s list contained the name of Pte. C. S. Lovelock as being killed, but his father has received a letter stating he has been wounded. The 81 “missing men,” we understand, include all the members of the machine gun section.
In his letter the Adjutant says:- “I cannot tell you how much I regret the loss of all these gallant officers and men. No regiment could have put up a better fight. The Brigadier, the Divisional Commander, and the officers of other regiments who took part in the action are loud in their praise of the Leicestershire Yeomanry. No praise could be too high.”
And in the same issue published under the heading. LEICESTERSHIRE YEOMANRY IN ACTION. – THE KILLED AND WOUNDED. - CAPTAIN HANBURY. – Captain F. R. Hanbury is a son of Mr. Evan Hanbury, of Braunstone Hall, near Oakham, (a former Master of the Cottesmore Hounds), and is a director of Messrs. Truman, Hanbury and Buxton, Ltd., Burton. At one time he spent much of his time in Burton, but latterly had been more concerned with the London brewery. He married in August 1913, Miss Jacobson, of Quarndon Hall, Derby and is well known in the Melton district as a follower of hounds. He is an excellent horseman, and has on more than one occasion steered his father’s famous Tipperary and other horses over the Melton Hunt Steeplechase Course."

SOURCE - (visit link)
Website pertaining to the memorial: [Web Link]

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Type of memorial: Plaque

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