Guyra WW2 Honour Roll - Guyra, NSW, Australia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Grahame Cookie
S 30° 13.312 E 151° 40.287
56J E 372144 N 6655883
There is a large bronze plaque to honour all of the locals of the Guyra District that went to World War 2, on the Soldiers Memorial Hall.
Waymark Code: WMXY72
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 03/15/2018
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member ištván
Views: 0

This large bronze plaque lists just over 500 locals who went to World War Two. My apologies about the SIX columns, also E & OE are mine! The plaque reads:

	   HONOUR ROLL  1939 - 1945
     In Memory of the Citizens of Guyra who served in World War II

 Adamson, G.	Cox, L.B.	Heagney, J.H	Lockyer, T.	Mulligan, M.J.	Sole, L.
*Allingham, A.	Cregan, A.E.	Heagney, J.M.	Luvis, G.C.	Newberry, C.	Sole, O.D.
 Ansell, C.E.	Cregan, P.W.	Heagney, L.J.	Lyes, J.	Newberry, E.A.	Souter, J.
 Archer, E.T.	Cullen, E.J.	Heagney, R.G   *Mackenzie, E.S.	Newberry, J.S.	Stanley, A.J.
 Archer, J.M.	Cummins, T.B.	Heagney, R.J.	Mackenzie, L.S.	Newby, M.      *Stanley, L.W.
 Archer, R.V.	Curtis, D.F.	Hennessy, R.B.	Mackenzie, J.F.	Newby, Maxine	Starr, P.
 Archer, T.E.	Curtis, O.E.C.	Higginson,A.H.	Mackenzie, M.B.	Northey, M.E.	Starr, R.J.
 Archibald, A.P	Davidson, A.J.	Hill, D.S.	Mackenzie, N	O'Brien, G.W.	Starr, S.S.
 Archibald, J.R	Davidson, D.K.	Hill, R.C.	Mackson, V.J.	O'Connor, P.T.	Starr, W.J.H.
 Archibald, R.J	Davidson, G.S.	Hill, S.C.N.	Mammen, W.G.	Oehlers, K.	Steele, H.J.
 Arndell, A.A  *Davidson, R.A.	Hockey, G.J.	Mann, W.R.	Orchard, C.W.	Stevens, S.L.
 Arndell, J.D.	Davidson, R.G.	Hodder, C.R.   *Marshall, A.H.	Palmer, R.C.	Stevenson, D.W.R.
 Atkin, J.R.	Davidson, T.N.	Hodder, J.E.	Marshall, J.R.	Pankhurst, A.	Stevenson, A.E.
 Atkins, G.L.	Dawson, C.N.	Hogbin, A.D.	Marshall, R.G.	Pankhurst, A.J.	Stevenson, P.E.
 Atkins, R.B.	Dawson, G.E.	Hogbin, H.W.J.	Marshall, R.M.	Pankhurst, K.A.	Stewart, A.B.
 Atkins, T.H.	Dawson, J.H.L.	Holder, L.J.	Martin, B.	Parker, N.M.	Stewart, F.J.
 Barrett, A.T.	Dawson, S.G.	Holland, H.E.  *Martin, E.	Parnell, N.S.	Stewart, H.M.
 Beesley, C.H.	Dean, D.S.	Holloway, A.G.	Martin, F.E.	Parry, R.J.	Stewart, L.M.
 Beesley, D.B.	Dean, E.N.	Holt, C.L.	Martin, F.W.	Parsons, K.D.	Strange, M.G.
 Belson, A.H.	Dean, P.	Holt, D.T.	Martin, G.D.	Pearson, C.H.	Tarrant, B.
 Bennett, A.A.	Dean, G.O.	*Holt, H.F.	Martin, H.S.   *Pearson, C.L.	Tarranr, G.L.
*Bennett, H.W.	Dean, J.M.	Holt, J.F.	Martin, K.H.	Pearson, D.	Taylor, V.J.
 Bennett, I.G.	Dean, M.P.	Holt, J.M.	Martin, M.	Pearson, D.M.	Taylor, J.
 Bennet, J.V.	Dean, R.F.	Holt, K.E.	Martin, T.J.	Pearson, E.J.	Taylor, R.G.
 Bennet, L. 	Deiderick, G.	Holt, N.J.	Matthews, C.J.	Pearson, F.	Thompson, J.T.
 Bennett, R.W.	Dell, C.D.	Holt, R.F.	McAllister, W.A	Pearson, I.J.	Tibbs, W.
 Bentley, H.J.	Devlin, J.	Holt, W.S.	McCanna, G.    *Pearson, L.    *Tobin, J.T.
 Bentley, J.E.	Ditton, E.W.	*Holt, E.      *McCarthy, M.L.	Pearson, L.H.	Tuckey, B.F.
 Bentley, T.L.	Ditton, G.E.	Howe, E.	McCaskill, N.A.	Pearson, R.A.	Turner, F.B.
 Blomfield,A.B	Dowdell, A.F.	Howe, J.	McCleod, C.A.	Pearson, R.R.	Turner, J.E.
 Blo??,R	Dowdell, K.C.	Howe, T.	McCroary, T.N.	Pearson, R.V.	Turner, L.
 Booth, W.D.#	Dowdell, L.B.	Hume, F.G.	McCrohan, C.E.	Pearson, W.D.	Turner, M.E.
 Boughton, A.C.	Dowdell, R.H.	Hume, J.W.	McElroy, A.G.	Pettit, E.W.	Turner, M.G.
 Boughton, P.F.	Dowdell, R.N.	Hume, W.A.	McGovern, W.	Phelan, L.	Turner, R.G.
 Bourke, G.N.	Drabach, E.M.	Hutton, E.J.	Mcguinness,L.A	Piper, D.D.	Varley, O.C.
 Bourke, E.C.	Drew, A.E.	Hutton, H.     *McIntyre, J.	Piper, J.A.	Walker, A.
 Bowden, D.J.#	Drew, H.E.	Ivey, E.E.	Mckay, J.M.	Piper, M.E.	Wall, F.
 Bowen, A.	Drew, L.S.	Izzard, R.E.	Mckay, L.S.	Piper, R.C.	Walls, A.L.
 Bracken, A.L.	Edgar, J.J.	Jackson, A.A.	McLean, G.B.	Piper, W.D.	Walls, G.W.
 Bragg, F.	Edwards, F.	Jackson, C.J.	McLean, R.	Pringle, E.W.	Ward, G.
 Brander, M.C.	Edwards, S.E.	Jackson, G.D.	McLeod, D.A.	Prisk, J.S.	Ward, K.
 Brazier, C.D.	Egan, P.J.	*Jackson, H.A.	McLeod, H.A.	Prisk, K.H.	Ward, L.M.
 Brazier, P.J.	Eggleston, J.E.	Jackson, R.J.	McLeod, K.	Prisk, J.S.	Ward, R.
 Brazier, J.	Elks, C.H.	Johnson, C.A.	McLeod, L.A.	Pryor, L.F.	Warskitt, K.E.
 Briggs, J.V.	Ellis, J.W.L.	Johnson, H.	McLeod, P.J.	Pryor, J.P.	Wells, J.L.
 Briggs, J.W.	Faint, A.	Jones, G.H.	McLeod, T.C.	Ramage, A.	Whan, C.D.
 Brown, A.	Faint, C.L.	Jones, R.D.	Meehan, C.P.	Ramage, J.C.	Whan, J.C.
 Brown, S.M.	Faint, T.	Jones, E.B.	Melling, E.W.	Ray, G.E.	Whan, L.A.
 Buckley, K.	Furand, T.E.	*Jones, F.	Menzies, C.A.	Reeves, G.	Wheaton, H.D.
 Burgess, H.B.	Farrel, K.J.	Jones, M.S.	Menzies, L.M.	Reeves, E.J.	White, E.
 Bush, C.	Farrell, A.	Kane, F.F.	Milen, E.G.	Reeves, R.L.	White, G.C.
 Bush, J.	Farrell, J.A.	Kane, T.J.	Milen, M.M.	Rixon, C.A.	White, G.F.
 Butler, L.	Farrer, H.R.	Kelly, B.B.	Milen, N       *Roberts, G.G.	White, L.A.
 Cameron, B.	Faulkner, R.W.	Kilminister,PH	Milen, W.R.	Roberts, P.	Wilkinson, A.C.
*Cameron, C.J.	Ferris, L.K.	Kirk, A.	Miller, M.M.	Robinson, J.F.	Wilkinson, H.
 Cameron, E.E.	Finlayson, A.	Kirk, L.	Mills, E.	Rudd, E.W.	Wilkinson, W.J.H.
 Cameron, R.M.	Finlayson,A.C.	Kirk, N.	Mitchell, C.A.	Running, A.W.	Williams, C.T.
 Cameron, T.J.	Finlayson,C.H.	Kirk, T.A.	Mitchell, JC #	Running,F.	Williams, E.C.
 Cameron, W.D. *Gallagher, P.A.	Kirk, W.A.#	Moffatt, H.R.  *Russell, F.A.	Williams, E.J.
 Campbell, H.Q.	Gallagher, K.P.	Knight, F.	Moore, Ella	Russell, R.W.	Williams, F.D.
 Campbell, A.A *Galvin, S.T.	Kooz, N.H.	Moore, E.L.	Sanders, L.J.	Williams, G.A.
 Campbell, P.R.	Giles, A.J.	Kooz, P.S.	Moore, Gwen	Sch??	H.C.   *Williams, G.F.
 Campbell, R.W.	Giles, M.	Lansley, E.T.	Moore, G.P.	Sch??	P.M.	Williams, G.
 Carroll, J.B. *Gillies, J.	Lansley, G.L.	Moore, J.A.	Sch??	V.T.	Williams, H.C.
 Carroll, P.M.	Gilmour, E.J.	Lansley, P.J.  *Moore, J.E.	Sch??	W.J.	Williams, H?
 Carroll, J.J. *Gilmour, R.	Lawlor, A.	Moore, R.G.	Sewell, H.H.	Williams, H.S.
 Chisholm,H.A.	Glasser, S.G.	Lawlor, D.J.	Moore, S.R.	Sewell, X.A.	Williams, J.H.D.
 Chisholm, N.	Graham, A.	Lawlor, D.	Moore, S.W.	Sills, G.A.	Williams, J.P.
 Clark, J.	Grills, L.H.	Lawlor, L.J.	Morley, S.G.	Sills, J.A.	Williams, P.R.
 C??	D.P.	Grills, R.V.	Lawlor, L.S.	Morris, F.J.	Sills, J.W.	Williams, R.A.
 C??	V.M.	Grills, T.A.	Lawlor, V.	Morris, I.E.	Simpson, C.K.	Williams, R.J.
 C??	W.H.	H??	J.	Lawlor, W.E.	Mott, H.J.	Simpson, R.A.	Williams, W.E.
 C??	E.	H??	U.M	L??	E.W.   *Mould, E.W.    *Simpson, W.J.	Wilson, C.W.
 C??	E.R.	Hammond, H.H.	L??	J.?	Muldoon, C.A.	S??	R.C.	Wilson, K.J.
*C??	V.J.	H??	E.A.	L??	P.	Muldoon, H.L.	S??	R.O.	Woodward, J.L.
 C??	L.G.A	H??	C.R.	L??	P.R.	Muldoon, J.P.  *Skinner, J.H.	Wright, A.C.
 C??	P.	H??	D.	L??	F.O.	Muldoon, S.D.	Skinner, J.T.  *Wright, A.H.
 Cook, T.?	H??	N.M.	Lester, J.	Muldoon, T.A.	Skinner, P.G.	Wright, C.H.
 Cook, L.W.	H??	W.? 	Light, ?W	Muldoon, T.V.	SSmith, B.E.	Wright, C.W.
 C??	L.T.	H??	M.R.	Little, A.J.	Mulligan, D.J.	Smy??	S.T.	Wright, D.J.
 Copeland,??	Hayd?n, H.P.	Little, B.J.	Mulligan, E.A.	Smy??	U.	Wright, R.C.
 Cosgrove, T.  *H??	A.	Little, ?R	Mulligan, E.F.	S??	G.W.	Y??	E.
 Cox, A. P.	H??	C.C.	Little, W.E.	Mulligan, J.E. *S??	K.	Y??	J.M.
 Cox, ??	H??	P.?	Lockyer, G.M.  *Mulligan,JR.DFC	S??	G.C.	Y??	J.M.
 Cox, D.S.	H??	H.H.	Lockyer, L.E.	Mulligan, L.E.	S??	G.T.	Y??	A.W.
_Bryant, H.?			Lamb, D.P.			????	I.A.
	 *Killed In Action/Died On Service	# = M.M.

In front of the large plaque is a grey granite 'post', with an arched top, and a cross formation on top. With relief engraving the following is carved into the western side of it:

Honour Those
  who gave
their lives
 from Guyra
 & District

Visited: 1359, Sunday, 23 July, 2017
Unfortunately the Website link doesn't give any more detail, but is more for the 'Multi-War' plaque on an acute triangular rock to the south, which reads: "In Memory of all who served".

Property Permission: Public

Access times: From: 12:00 AM To: 12:00 AM

Website for Waymark: [Web Link]

Location of waymark:
Bradley Street,
Soldiers Memorial Hall,
Guyra, NSW Australia

Commemoration: Those who Served

Date of Dedication: Not listed

Access instructions: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Include a photo containing, at minimum, the monument and your GPSr. We'd prefer a photo containing YOU at the monument, but we understand that some people are camera-shy.
Also include a bit about your visit here.
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