Ermita del Santo Cristo de la Paz - [Bajadoz, Extremadura, España]
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member AlexCatarina
N 38° 30.774 W 007° 16.976
29S E 649702 N 4264121
La Ermita del Santo Cristo de la Paz, construida a principios del siglo XVIII.
Waymark Code: WMQBG7
Location: Extremadura, Spain
Date Posted: 01/29/2016
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 3

La Ermita del Santo Cristo de la Paz, construida a principios del siglo XVIII.
El cristo de la paz es el patrón de cheles una imagen muy querida y venerada por todos sus fiestas se celebran entre los días 11 y 14 de septiembre con gran afluencia de cheleros que vuelven de todas partes de España para asistir a tal evento.

La Ermita del Santo Cristo de la Paz , built in the early eighteenth century.
The peace of Christ is the pattern of cheles a beloved image and revered by all parties are held between 11 and 14 September with large numbers of cheleros returning from all over Spain to attend the event.
Type of Church: Chapel

Status of Building: Actively in use for worship

Diocese: Mérida-Badajoz

Badajoz, Extremadura Spain

Date of organization: Not listed

Date of building construction: Not listed

Dominant Architectural Style: Not listed

Associated Shrines, Art, etc.: Not listed

Archdiocese: Not listed

Relvant Web Site: Not listed

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