First Manufacturing Site of the Pelton Wheel
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member heringermr
N 39° 15.730 W 121° 01.220
10S E 670795 N 4347738
A marker commemorating the manufacture of the Pelton Wheel, a highly effective water impulse turbine, invented by Lester Pelton of Camptonville in neighboring Yuba County.
Waymark Code: WMGNPN
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 03/25/2013
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Uncle Alaska
Views: 8

The Pelton Water Wheel, first commercially manufactured here at George Allan's Foundry and Machine Works in 1879, was a major advancement in water power utilization and greatly advanced hard-rock mining. Its unique feature was a series of paired buckets, shaped like bowls of spoons and separated by a splitter, that divided the incoming water jets into two parts. By the late 1800s, the Pelton Wheels were providing energy to operate industrial machinery throughout the world. In 1888, Lester Pelton moved his business to San Francisco, but granted continuing manufacturing rights to Allan's Foundry, where the wheels were manufactured into the early 1900s.
Marker Number: 1,012.00


County: Nevada

Has Official CA Plaque: yes

Marker Dedication Date: 05/11/1994

325 Spring St, Nevada City

Website: Not listed

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