NPR Devín-Kotel-Souteska / Devín-Kotel-Souteska National Nature Reserve, CZ
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member hrabosata
N 48° 51.989 E 016° 38.501
33U E 620395 N 5413912
CZ: Rezervace chránící skalní, stepní, krovinné a lesní ekosystémy na vápencovém podkladu s velmi bohatou flórou a faunou. EN: NNR protecting rocky, steppe, shrub and forest ecosystems on a limestone basement with exceptionally rich flora and fauna.
Waymark Code: WMCVZ3
Location: Jihomoravský kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/17/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member GT.US
Views: 77

CZ: Nejpresnejší informace o národní prírodní rezervaci Devín-Kotel-Souteska poskytují webové stránky Agentury pro ochranu prírody a krajiny (viz odkaz dole), kde se uvádí:

„Rezervace o rozloze 380,76 ha zaujímá severní cást Pavlovských vrchu s vrcholy Devín (554,4 m n. m.) a Kotel (též Obora; 483 m n. m.) mezi Pavlovem, Dolními Vestonicemi, Horními Vestonicemi, Pernou a Klentnicí. Území leží v nadmorské výšce 257–554 m a spadá do katastrálních území Horní Vestonice, Pavlov, Perná a Klentnice. Bylo vyhlášeno v roce 1946. Motivem ochrany jsou skalní, stepní, krovinné a lesní ekosystémy na vápencovém podkladu s mimorádne bohatou flórou a faunou; na Devíne se projevuje inverze vegetacních stupnu; je to také významná geologická lokalita.

Rezervace zahrnuje nejvýznacnejší bradla Pavlovských vrchu, navzájem oddelená sníženinou Soutesky, která sleduje tektonickou linii. Na vrcholu Devína jsou dve oddelené šupiny ernstbrunnských vápencu, mezi nimiž leží vápnité jílovce a glaukonitické pískovce klementského a pálavského souvrství svrchní krídy.

Kvetena je druhove velmi bohatá: v letech 1992–2002 bylo v rezervaci zaznamenáno 630 druhu a poddruhu cévnatých rostlin, z toho 50 zvlášte chránených. Na svahu pod zríceninou hradu Devicky má jediné nalezište v Ceské republice maceška nejmenší (Viola kitaibeliana). Na jediném míste v Ceské republice se tu vyskytuje písecnice velkokvetá (Arenaria grandiflora). Temeno jižního vrcholu Kotle hostí pocetne nejsilnejší moravskou populaci kosatce písecného (Iris humilis subsp. arenaria). Ve svetlé teplomilné doubrave na jihovýchodním svahu Devína roste hnedenec zvrhlý (Limodorum abortivum), na prilehlých ladech len chlupatý (Linum hirsutum). Krome výše uvedených zvlášte chránených druhu se v rezervaci vyskytuje devaterka rozprostrená (Fumana procumbens), drín jarní (Cornus mas), dub pýritý (Quercus pubescens), dvojštítek hladkoplodý (Biscutella laevigata), hlavácek jarní (Adonis vernalis), horec krížatý (Gentiana cruciata), hvezdnice chlumní (Aster amellus), h. zlatovlásek (A. linosyris), hvozdík Lumnitzeruv (Dianthus lumnitzeri), chrpa chlumní širolistá (Centaurea triumfettii subsp. axillaris), kavyl Ivanuv (Stipa pennata), k. slicný (S. pulcherrima), koniklec velkokvetý (Pulsatilla grandis), kosatec nízký (I. pumila), k. pestrý (Iris variegata), k. trávolistý (I. graminea), koulenka prodloužená (Globularia bisnagarica), kozinec rakouský (Astragalus austriacus), k. vicencovitý (A. onobrychis), kruštík drobnolistý (Epipactis microphylla), len tenkolistý (Linum tenuifolium), lilie zlatohlávek (Lilium martagon), lnenka Dollinerova (Thesium dollineri), lomikámen vždyživý (Saxifraga paniculata), l. trojprstý (S. tridactylites), medovník velkokvetý (Melittis melissophyllum), modrenec tenkokvetý (Muscari tenuiflorum), okrotice bílá (Cephalanthera damasonium), o. cervená (C. rubra), oman oko Kristovo (Inula oculus-christi), omej vlcí pravý (Aconitum vulparia subsp. vulparia), plamének prímý (Clematis recta), pryskyrník ilyrský (Ranunculus illyricus), sasanka lesní (Anemone sylvestris), tarice skalní Arduinova (Aurinia saxatilis subsp. arduinii), tremdava bílá (Dictamnus albus), violka obojetná (Viola ambigua), vraticka mesícní (Botrychium lunaria), vstavac nachový (Orchis purpurea), v. vojenský (O. militaris), zvonek bolonský (Campanula bononiensis) a z. sibirský (Campanula sibirica).

Devín predstavuje jednu z nejvýznamnejších zoologických lokalit Ceské republiky. Skalní stepi, lesostep, lesy i skalní steny hostí stovky druhu bezobratlých i obratlovcu. Na výhrevných svazích lze nalézt strevlíka Carabus hungaricus, saranci modrokrídlou (Oedipoda caerulescens), kudlanku nábožnou (Mantis religiosa) i velmi vzácnou kobylku ságu (Saga pedo). Mužeme zde pozorovat jasone dymnivkového (Parnassius mnemosyne), žlutáska úzkolemého (Colias chrysotheme) a martináce hrušnového (Saturnia pyri).

Skalní stepi jižní expozice skýtají vhodné prostredí ješterce zelené (Lacerta viridis) a užovce hladké (Coronella austriaca), v lesích je bežný slepýš krehký (Anguis fragilis). Trvale hnízdí v rezervaci dudek chocholatý (Upupa epops), v lesích je hojný strakapoud prostrední (Dendrocopos medius), datel cerný (Dryocopus martius), žluva hajní (Oriolus oriolus), lejsek belokrký (Ficedula albicollis) a l. šedý (Muscicapa striata). Souteska a lom na Kotli jsou jediným místem pravidelnejšího zimního výskytu zednícka skalního (Tichodroma muraria) v ceských zemích. Ve stepních biotopech je dosti castá belozubka belobrichá (Crocidura leucodon). V puklinách skalních sten byly nalezeny kolonie vzácného netopýra pestrého (Vespertilio murinus), v dutinách stromu kolonie n. stromového (Nyctalus leisleri). Pravidelne se v rezervaci vyskytuje i netopýr velkouchý (Myotis bechsteinii), n. cerný (Barbastella barbastellus), a to vcetne gravidních samic.

V minulosti byla rezervace mnohem více odlesnena a hospodársky využívána. Les, který byl obhospodarován jako les nízký neboli parezina, byl zdrojem palivového dríví a byl využíván zrejme též k pastve. Lesy rezervace jsou kategorizovány jako lesy zvláštního urcení a zcásti i lesy ochranné, a lesní hospodárství je tak podrízeno cílum ochrany prírody. Težište péce o lesy chráneného území spocívá v náhrade nepuvodních drevin autochtonními druhy, zejména v odstranování akátu (Robinia pseudacacia) a pajasanu žláznatého (Ailanthus altissima).

Hospodárské využívání bylo v minulosti mnohem intenzivnejší. Od stredoveku bylo na Devíne a Kotli otevreno nekolik menších lomu. Na jihovýchodním svahu zasahovaly vinohrady až na území dnešní rezervace. Rezervací vede naucná stezka, která byla obnovena v roce 2005.

Na úpatí Devína se nacházela lidská sídlište již v mladší dobe kamenné. V blízkosti sedla pod Devickami je doložena existence opevneného sídlište z mladší doby bronzové, jehož valy jsou dosud dobre zretelné. Pozdne románský až rane gotický hrad Devicky je poprvé doložen pocátkem 13. století. Ze 14. století pocházejí již málo patrné zbytky hradu Neuhaus na skalách poblíž severního vrcholu Kotle.“


EN: There are two basic types of nature areas protected by the state in the Czech republic. Large territories are protected as national parks and protected lanscape areas, smaller territories are protected as nature reserves and monuments. Both types are established by the state – either by the government and parliament, the Ministry of the Environment or regional governments.

The most precise information about Devín-Kotel-Souteska National Nature Reserve you can find on the websites of The Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic (see link below), where you can read this:

„The NNR covers an area of 380.76 ha and includes the northern section of the Pavlovské vrchy ridge with the peaks of Devín (554.4 m), and Kotel – also known as Obora (483 m), between the villages of Pavlov, Dolní Vestonice, Horní Vestonice, Perná and Klentnice, at elevations between 257 and 554 metres. The NNR lies in the parishes of Horní Vestonice, Pavlov, Perná and Klentnice, within the Pálava PLA and in the Jihomoravský kraj – South Moravian Region. The reserve was declared in 1946

The subjects of the protection are rocky, steppe, shrub and forest ecosystems on a limestone basement with exceptionally rich flora and fauna.

There is an inversion of the regular vegetation levels on Devín hill and this is also a significant geological locality.

The reserve covers the two most distinctive klippen or peaks of the Pavlovské vrchy range of hills divided by the depression of the Souteska gorge, which follows a tectonic fault line. Two separate bodies of Ernstbrunn limestone can be found on the peak of Devín with calcareous claystones and glauconite sandstones of the Klement and Pálava strata from the Upper Cretaceous between them.

The flora on the NNR territory displays very high species diversity and between 1992 and 2002, 630 vascular plant species and subspecies were recorded in the reserve, of which 50 are specially protected. The dwarf pansy (Viola kitaibeliana) which grows on the slopes below the Devicky castle ruins is found nowhere else in the Czech Republic. The large-flowered sandwort (Arenaria grandiflora) also has its only locality in the Czech Republichere. The summit of the southern peak of Kotel hill plays host to the strongest population of the rock sand iris (Iris humilis subsp. arenaria) in Moravia. The violet bird’s-nest orchid (Limodorum abortivum) grows in the open thermophilous oak forest on the south-eastern slope of Devín hill and the hairy flax Linum hirsutum grows on the nearby open areas. As well as these specially protected species we can also find the following taxons in the reserve: common fumana (Fumana procumbens), Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas), white or downy oak (Quercus pubescens), buckler mustard (Biscutella laevigata), yellow pheasant’s eye (Adonis vernalis), cross gentian (Gentiana cruciata), the aster - Aster amellus, goldilocks aster (Aster linosyris), Lumnitzer´s pink (Dianthus lumnitzeri), the squarrose knapweed (Centaurea triumfettii subsp. axillaris), the feather-grasses Stipa pennata and Stipa pulcherrima, greater pasque flower (Pulsatilla grandis), the dwarf iris Iris pumila, Hungarian iris (Iris variegata), grass-leaved flag (Iris graminea), the globe daisy Globularia bisnagarica, the milkvetches Astragalus austriacus and Astragalus onobrychis, the helleborine Epipactis microphylla, narrow-leaved flax (Linum tenuifolium), martagon lily (Lilium martagon), the toadflax Thesium dollineri, livelong saxifrage (Saxifraga paniculata), rue-leaved saxifrage (Saxifraga tridactylites), bastard balm (Melittis melissophyllum), the hyacinth Muscari tenuiflorum, white helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium) and red helleborine (Cephalanthera rubra), the yellowhead (Inula oculus-christi), wolfsbane (Acontum vulparia subsp. vulparia), the clematis - Clematis recta, the buttercup Ranunculus illyricus, snowdrop windflower (Anemone sylvestris), snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), fleawort (Tephroseris integrifolia), basket of gold (Aurinia saxatilis subsp. arduinii), burning bush (Dictamnus albus), the violet - Viola ambigua, moonwort (Botrychium lunaria), lady orchid (Orchis purpurea), military orchid (Orchis militaris), and the bellflowers Campanula bononiensis and Campanula sibirica.

Devín hill is also one of the most notable zoological localities in the Czech Republic. Rocky steppe, forest steppe, forests and rock cliffs play host to hundreds of vertebrate and invertebrate species. On the sun-warmed slopes we could encounter the ground beetle Carabus hungaricus, the grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens, the praying mantis (Mantis religiosa) and the very rare steppe cracker grasshopper (Saga pedo). Butterflies include the clouded apollo (Parnassius mnemosyne), lesser clouded yellow (Colias chrysotheme) and the great peacock moth (Saturnia pyri).

The south-facing rocky steppe is a suitable habitat for the emerald lizard (Lacerta viridis) and the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca), whereas the slowworm (Anguis fragilis) is common in the forested sections. Birds which regularly nest in the reserve include the hoopoe (Upupa epops) and there are plenty of middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus), collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis) and spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) in the forest growths. The only localities where the wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) overwinters in the Czech Republic is in the Souteska gorge and the former quarry on Kotel hill. The bi-coloured white-toothed shrew (Crocidura leucodon) is relatively abundant on the steppe. A colony of the rare parti-coloured bat (Vespertilio murinus) was discovered in a fissure in the rock walls, and a colony of Liesler’s bat (Nyctalus leisleri) was found in hollow trees. Bechstein’s bat (Myotis bechsteinii) and the barbastelle bat (Barbastella barbastellus) occur regularly over the territory and gravid females have been observed, indicating that they breed nearby.

The reserve was more deforested and more intensively cultivated in the past. The forested areas were previously maintained as a low or coppice forest in the past as a source of firewood in the past and animals were probably grazed here too. The reserve´s forests are classified as special purpose forests and partly as protection forests and nature conservation interests take precedence over commercial forestry. Our main aim is to replace the non-native tree species with autochthonous tree types and especially to remove the black locust trees (Robinia pseudoacacia) and tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima).

The NNR territory was previously used much more intensively for economic purposes. Several smaller quarries were opened on Devín and Kotel hills from medieval times. The vineyards on the south-eastern slopes formerly reached up on to the current NNR territory. A themed nature trail runs through the territory and was rebuilt in 2005.

Human settlements were already found at the foot of Devín hill in the Early Stone Age. A fortified settlement from the Early Bronze Age has been covered on the ridge below the Devicky castle ruins and the defensive earthbanks can still be seen today. The Devicky castle, from the Late Romanesque to Early Gothic periods was first mentioned in the early 13th century. On the rocks near the northern peak of Kotel we can find remnants of the Neuhaus castle, dating from the 14th century.“
Park Name: Děvín-Kotel-Soutěska National Nature Reserve

Historic/Cultural Park: no

Natural Park: yes

Recreation Area: yes

Wildlife Refuge: yes

Park Website: [Web Link]

Type of Listing: Major Park Feature

Fees in Local Currency: 0.00 (listed in local currency)

Dates of Access: From: 01/01/2011 To: 12/31/2011

Hiking: yes

Camping: no

Bicycling: no

Horseback Riding: no

Off-Roading: no

Swimming: no

Snorkling/Scuba: no

Boating: no

Rock Climbing: yes

Fishing: no

Other Activities:
Animals, birds and insects watching

Other Park Type not listed above: Not listed

Other Type Detail: Not listed

Hours available: Not listed

Visit Instructions:

A log will require a recent photograph at the coordinates. Some of these locations will be placed for the scenery, so a gpsr will just ruin the picture.

If you don't have a digital camera post a descriptive log.

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