Sungai Melaka at night
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Riblit
N 02° 11.612 E 102° 14.817
48N E 193759 N 242733
Night in the Malacca River
Waymark Code: WMAGH9
Location: Malaysia
Date Posted: 01/12/2011
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member northernpenguin
Views: 6

A night on the river

Whenever I visit Melaka I walk along the walkways bordering Sungai Melaka during the evening. The river is far removed from the open sewer of yesteryear and the lights make beautiful reflections in the water.

Across the river

This photo is from the bank opposite the rear of the Maritime Museum. The tower is Menara Taming Sari, a 110 metre tall tower in Bandar Hilir. It has an air conditioned revolving structure that accommodates 66 people.

The ship is a replica of Flora de La Mar, a 400 ton Portuguese nau that sunk in 1511 while scurrying back to Portugal with its holds filled with treasure.

Feature Type: Artificial

Best Viewing Times: Not listed

Parking or Trailhead: Not Listed

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