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Mater Dei Chapel - Fremont, CA
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member DougK
N 37° 32.021 W 121° 55.073
10S E 595607 N 4154627
The Mater Dei Chapel in Fremont, California is owned by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose.
Waymark Code: WM7FVR
Location: California, United States
Date Posted: 10/20/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member silverquill
Views: 4

The Mater Dei Chapel in Fremont, California is owned by the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. This ornate and beautiful white chapel was designed by Sister Justina Niemierski, and built in 1922 to honor Mother Pia Backes' Golden Jubilee of Profession. A stone plaque that is part of the back wall of the chapel reads:

Dedicated to the Immaculate Mother of God in Memory of the 50th Anniversary of Profession of the ?en Foundress of our Congregation 1872 • 1922

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