Waynesville Friends Cemetery
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member adh73
N 39° 31.811 W 084° 05.498
16S E 749971 N 4379653
The original burying ground of the Friends in Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio.
Waymark Code: WM6AN2
Location: Ohio, United States
Date Posted: 05/03/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Max Cacher
Views: 6

The Miami Monthly Meeting established this burying ground for its members in 1804. It served both the Orthodox Friends, and later also the Hicksite Friends. Friends (also called Quakers) believed in simplicity in life, and also in death. They often had only small grave markers, or sometimes none at all. When I visited the site I found only a few stones in place, and some lined up at the edge of the ground.

An excellent Web site has been created for this cemetery, a link to which is given below. This site gives information about the cemetery, and links to more information, including transcriptions of burials. The exact number of burials is not known, but well over 50 stones can be seen, and records of many more burials exist (follow the links on the site below).

Waynesville Cemetery

City, Town, or Parish / State / Country: Not listed

Approximate number of graves: Not listed

Cemetery Status: Not listed

Cemetery Website: Not listed

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