Old Camden Cemetery, Pennville, Indiana
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member adh73
N 40° 29.641 W 085° 08.542
16T E 657422 N 4484248
The original burying ground of the town's mostly-Quaker settlers.
Waymark Code: WM665B
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 04/10/2009
Published By:Groundspeak Charter Member Max Cacher
Views: 7

This cemetery is located in Pennville, Jay County, Indiana. Pennville was originally called Camden, but the name was later changed to Pennville. Most of the original settlers were Quakers (members of the Religious Society of Friends), and had come from the Philadelphia area. The Friends didn't believe in elaborate tombstones, and sometimes had none at all. The oldest ones in this cemetery are very small and plain, like the one shown for John Griest. Over the years, though, the monuments have gotten larger. You can see a variety in the photo. The cemetery is also known as the Hillside Quaker cemetery. You can find records from this cemetery, and others, in the Jay County Indiana GenWeb site. There are about 1200 people buried in this cemetery.
City, Town, or Parish / State / Country: Not listed

Approximate number of graves: Not listed

Cemetery Status: Not listed

Cemetery Website: Not listed

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