Oak Brothers in Martonvásár
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member BlackElders
N 47° 18.916 E 018° 47.009
34T E 332485 N 5242581
Two giant oaks in the park of Brunszvik Castle in Martonvásár.
Waymark Code: WM4EGQ
Location: Fejér, Hungary
Date Posted: 08/13/2008
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member Black Dog Trackers
Views: 54

This two pedunculate oak are the biggest trees of the park of the Brunszvik Castle. Both are 23 m tall, girth of smaller trunk is 5,1 m, and the other is 5,4 m. The bigger oak is at the listed coords, and the smaller stands 19 m from this point.

The park convering 70 hectartes in the heart of Martonvásár. This spectacular Romatic landscaped garden was declared nature conservation area in 1953 and is one of the most beautiful castle parks in Hungary. The planted trees include bald cypresses (Taxodium distichum), maidenhair trees (Ginkgo biloba) maples and sycamores. The linden trees (Tilia) are mixed with southern catalpas (Catalpa bignonioides) and horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum). A small lake featuring an island with tall trees was created by damming a stream's water. Enormous hedge maples (Acer campestre), black alders (Alnus Glutinosa) and tall common ashes give shade over the island. A bald cypress more than 4 metres in diameter also grows here.

Since 1949 the castle has been owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It can be visited daily except on Mondays. You can reach Martonvásár by train from Deli pályaudvar in Budapest or by car on road 7 or motorway M7. Parking is possible near the entrance gate of the park.

Ez a két kocsányos tölgy a Brunszvik kastély parkjának két leghatalmasabb fája. Mindketto 23 m magas, a kisebbik kerülete 5,1 m, a másiké 5,4 m. A nagyobbik fa a megadott koordinátánál áll, a kisebbik ettol a ponttól 19 m-re.

A park 70 hektáron terül el Martonvásár szívében. A látványos romantikus park 1953-tól természetvédelmi terület, egyike Magyarország legcsodálatosabb kastélyparkjainak. A kert fái között megtalálható a mocsári ciprus, a páfrányfenyo, a juhar és a platán. A hársak közé amerikai szivarfát, balkáni vadgesztenyét ültettek. Egy vizének felduzzasztásával kis tavat alakítottak ki, benne szigetet, hatalmas fákkal. A szigetet a mezei juhar, a mézgás éger és a magas korisek hatalmas példányai teszik árnyassá. Az itt lévo mocsári ciprus törzskörmérete meghaladja a 4 métert.

1949-tol a kastély a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Mezogazdasági Kutatóintézetéé. Hétfo kivételével minden nap látogatható. Martonvásárra vonattal a Déli pályaudvarról juthatsz el vagy autóval a 7-es úton vagy az M7-es autópályán. Parkolni a park bejárata közelében lehetséges.

Genus/Species: Quercus robur

Height: 75

Girth: 18

Method of obtaining height: Clinometer

Method of obtaining girth: Tape

Location type: Park

Parking coordinates: N 47° 18.909 W 018° 47.214

Walk time: 10

Age: Not Listed

Historical significance: Not listed

Planter: Not listed

Website reference: Not listed

Photograpy coordinates: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
A closeup picture of your GPS receiver in your hand, with the tree in the background, is required. If the tree is on private property, this closeup photograph with the tree in the background may be taken from the nearest public vantage point without actually going to the tree.
The required photograph does not need to show the entire tree, but the individual tree must be recognizable.
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