Piscinas - St Andrew - North Kilworth, Leicestershire
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 26.592 W 001° 05.693
30U E 629485 N 5812040
Two piscinas in St Andrew's church, North Kilworth.
Waymark Code: WM105C7
Location: East Midlands, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 03/01/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dragontree
Views: 0

Two piscinas in St Andrew's church, North Kilworth.

The north aisle has a chamfered, trefoiled piscina in south east corner, and in the chancel a moulded, pointed arch, piscina in south-east corner.

"It is believed that the Church was built around the time of Henry II (1154 to 1189) when it comprised the existing Chancel, central Nave, north aisle and the bell tower (without a spire). The period is Early English. The arches at the east and west ends of the Nave are dignified in their proportions and regarded as fine examples for their period. It is likely that Robert Rabaz was responsible for the construction and it is possible that his tomb lies under the Lady Chapel at the east end of the north aisle."

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Approximate Age of Artefact: Not listed

Relevant Website: Not listed

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