Half a Million Waymarks!

Congratulations to Lord Abercrombie for posting the 500,000th waymark, St Cattwg's - Churchyard - Port Eynon - Swansea, Wales, Great Britain. With its thorough description and beautiful photographs it's the perfect example of the quality and detail our community has come to expect from its users.

We are extremely proud of the Waymarking community for achieving this amazing goal, but it's not the only amazing goal worth noting. The site regularly adds approximately 1500 approved waymarks and 5000+ visits per week, 20,000 unique visitors per day, and there are over 100 categories that have more than 1000 waymarks posted under them.

Thank you again for your continued support of this site; it truly is driven by the community. Also, thanks to bruces and checkmark for helping with site and forums administration, and lumbricus for managing the Waymarking.com Facebook page.

Be sure to purchase your own limited edition 500,000 Waymarks Commemorative Coin in the Geocaching Store!

Posted on 09/09/2013 11:50 AM by bootronView all news items