founder: Hallén
date created: 05/14/2006
no. of members: 3
description/mission statement:
In 2007 it was 300 years since Carl Linnaeus was born ( Carl Linnaeus is the most well known Swedish scientist, both internationally and in Sweden. Linnaeus is probably best known as a botanist, and for his sexual system. His scientific achievements, however, also extend into the mineral world and zoology, in addition to botany. Also had an interest for history and the landscape. He travelled in Sweden and his writings are as much history books as they are books on the subject of botanic. He was also a teacher and had several students, he called them his Apostles. His students travelled around the world. They travelled with expeditions under royal patronage, trading companies and whalers, they also joined voyages of discovery and sailed with such men as James Cook and José de Iturriaga. They travelled to Arabia, China, Southeast Asia, Japan, Australia, the Arctic and North and South America. Almost half died in the field as they struggled through inhospitable climates, but many returned with priceless collections of flora, fauna and other rare and unusual items. Their diaries, travelogues, adventures and discoveries made many of them the celebrities of the time. The Apostles and their travels: ARCTIC :Anton Rolandsson Martin. SIBERIA: Johan Peter Falck. THE NEW WORLD: Pehr Kalm, Pehr Löfling, Daniel Rolander. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: Fredrik Hasselquist, Peter Forsskål, Göran Rothman. WEST AFRICA: Andreas Berlin, Adam Afzelius. SOUTHERN AFRICA, ASIA AND OCEANIA: Christopher Tärnström, Carl Fredrik Adler Pehr Osbeck, Olof Torén, Daniel Solander, Anders Sparrman, Carl Peter Thunberg. More information on: To create a Waymark you have to do the following: Your mission is to find a place visited by Carl Linnaeus or one of his apostles. The place you chose have to be a place of interest, not that one oft the apostles or Linnaeus just was passing through. It has to be a place of scientific interest (botanic, historic or some other discipline.) You have to describe the location and compeer past and present in English and if you like in your own languish. Also provide pictures and if possible a map.

open enrollment: OFF

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Carl Linnaeus and His Apostles 05/14/2006
Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
Hallén - Leader
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call number: 1
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Elritsa - Officer 2
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call number: 2
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grodan & fiabus - Officer 2
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call number: 3
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