founder: Refuge Ranger
date created: 04/01/2010
no. of members: 7
description/mission statement:
Ramsar site no. 1901. Most recent RIS Mississippi River Floodplain Wetlands (22,357 hectares, 43°03’N 091°10’W)are designated as a Wetland of International Importance. (Ramsar site no. 1901) The floodplain backwaters of the upper Mississippi River threads through four states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois It consists primarily of flowing main and side channel habitats, large shallow to moderately deep backwater marshes, flooded floodplain forests and shrub-dominated communities. It is perhaps the most important corridor of fish and wildlife habitat remaining in the central US. This site is in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway, through which 40% of North America’s waterfowl migrate. Several federal and state-managed areas are located within the site and recreation is one of the major economic activities in the area. . The Ramsar site includes the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge, Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, and “selected contiguous federal and state-managed floodplain wetlands associated with mouths of tributary rivers and streams”.

open enrollment: ON

Category Status: The Upper Mississippi River Wetland of International Importance category has been created (with variables).

Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
Refuge Ranger - Leader
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call number: 1
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iwfrog - Waymarker
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call number: 2
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Wheeze - Waymarker
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call number: 3
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