founder: dreamhummie
date created: 12/26/2015
no. of members: 19
description/mission statement:
The most beautiful places you can only visit with your E-Bike. For example, in the middle of a big city or along beautiful bike rides where it is forbidden for cars or scooters. Our goal is to waymark and visit the nice locations where you can charging your E-Bike.

open enrollment: ON

This group manages the following:
Total Records: 1 - Page: 1 of 1
Icon Category Name Date Created  
Electric Bike Charging Stations allows ratings 12/28/2015
Officer List
Total Records: 3 - Page: 1 of 1
dreamhummie - Officer John
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call number: 1
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Bitte ein Bit 🍺 🤪
Tante.Hossi - Officer 1
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call number: 2
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no message
kallehaugerne - Officer 1
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call number: 3
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no message