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Image for ORIGIN - Río Milna (Tierra del Fuego)view gallery

SWSW79.2 km

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River Origins, Destinations and ConfluencesORIGIN - Río Milna (Tierra del Fuego)

in River Origins, Destinations and Confluences

Nacimiento del río Milna a partir de las aguas del Lago Escondido. The river Milna arises from Escondido Lake.

posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member monticola

location: Argentina

date approved: 09/09/2009

last visited: never

Image for Paso Garibaldi (Tierra del Fuego)view gallery

SWSW86.4 km

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Scenic Roadside Look-OutsPaso Garibaldi (Tierra del Fuego)

in Scenic Roadside Look-Outs

En la ruta 3 este puerto ofrece una vista inigualable sobre el bonito lago Escondido. On route 3 this port offers an unparalleled view over the beautiful lake Escondido.

posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member monticola

location: Argentina

date approved: 09/13/2009

last visited: 02/06/2010

Image for Faro Les Eclaireurs (Canal del Beagle)view gallery

SWSW110.6 km

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Coastal LighthousesFaro Les Eclaireurs (Canal del Beagle)

in Coastal Lighthouses

Faro situado en pleno canal del Beagle, en la entrada a la bahía de Ushuaia (Argentina). Lighthouse located in the Beagle Channel at the entrance to the bay of Ushuaia (Argentina).

posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member monticola

location: Argentina

date approved: 09/07/2009

last visited: 11/16/2021

Image for Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse - Beagel Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentinaview gallery

SWSW110.6 km

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Drawing WaymarksLes Eclaireurs Lighthouse - Beagel Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

in Drawing Waymarks

Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse is a slightly conically shaped lighthouse standing on the northeasternmost island of the five Les Eclaireurs islands, 5 nautical miles east of Ushuaia in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.

posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member denben

location: Argentina

date approved: 03/08/2023

last visited: never

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